3 Guidelines to Follow When Seeking Medical Treatment After a Workers’ Comp Claim

When you are hurt in a workplace accident or injury, you could have the right to compensation and benefits that cover your medical bills and provide support for your time away from the workplace. Because the workers’ comp claims process can be confusing and unclear, it is important to take actions to protect the viability of your claim. Here are some guidelines that can help you when seeking medical advice.

Always Report Your Accident or Injury

When you’ve been injured in the workplace, it is critical that you provide timely notice to your supervisor and your employer of the injury. This provides your employer with the opportunity to notify their workers’ compensation insurance provider. Remember, a workers’ compensation claim isn’t the same thing as suing your employer—workers’ compensation insurance is mandatory because injured workers have a right to benefits.

However, if you don’t promptly report the injury at the time that it occurs, this delay can be used in order to deny your valid workers’ comp claim. In addition, you also need to make sure that you complete required forms to file a formal claim.

Always Follow Doctors’ Orders

After a workplace injury, illness or accident, it’s important to seek medical treatment. If you delay before visiting a doctor, the insurance company may cast doubt on the severity of your claim or its connection to the workplace. This means that seeking prompt care is particularly critical. You may need to pick a specific doctor to treat this injury from a list provided by the employer’s insurance—make sure to follow up promptly if so.

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If you fail to follow your doctor’s medical advice, you may be considered responsible for contributing to your continued ill health. In addition, the insurance company may argue that your injuries are not as severe as you claim.

Always Seek Legal Assistance

Just like medical treatment, legal assistance can be critical in pursuing a workers’ compensation case. You do not need to be represented by a lawyer to access workers’ compensation benefits or to uphold your right to those benefits under the law. However, an experienced attorney can be highly beneficial when dealing with requests from the employer’s insurance company and moving your claim forward.

A workers compensation attorney can help you to stand up for your rights and fight back if the insurance company delays or denies your claim. When you’re already struggling with the effects of your injury, having a lawyer on your side can provide significant support for your claim.