The Muladhara chakra is a combination of the words “Mula" (root) and “Adhara” (support or base). Also known as the root chakra, it is the first of our basic energy centers. The root chakra serves as the foundation for all other chakras. The root chakra is associated with the element of earth and is responsible for grounding us to the world. It is centered around the pelvis, the base of the spine, and the first three vertebrae.

When energy healthily flows through the root chakra, you can practice yoga and navigate the world with greater security, stability, and vitality. This leads to a sense of inner peace and confidence in the face of life’s challenges. Blockage of the root chakra can manifest itself in various ailments.

These can be physical issues, including back pain, spinal misalignment, circulatory or  reproductive disorders, and other health problems. Meanwhile, mental and emotional symptoms can arise such as distraction, detachment, disinterest, depression, anxiety, anger, and even addiction.

Back pain is a very common ailment suffered by many. While causes vary, poor biomechanics is a common origin. Back pain and root chakra blockage can be alleviated by addressing functional

disorders through the strengthening and stretching in Mahasiddha Yoga School. Here are four yoga

poses that rebalance the root chakra, the spine, and the hips to alleviate back pain.


MALASANA: Garland Pose

The Malasana or Garland Pose is a deep and low squat that effectively activates the root chakra.

With each breath, it helps you forge a closer connection to the healing energy of the earth. The

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Garland Pose strengthens the lower back and ankles, while awakening the fascia of the feet and

opening up the hips to promote flexibility and mobility. There are variations you can incorporate

into the Garland Pose such as spinal twists. Beginners that experience difficulty with the Garland

Pose can support themselves by resting their tailbones on objects like blocks.

JANU SIRSASANA: Head to Knee Pose

The Janu Sirsasana or Head to Knee Pose involves sitting on the ground with one leg laid straight in front and the other bent to the side to form a right angle with both thighs. With the left leg stretched forward, the right heel is pulled against the perineum as the sole of the foot touches the

left inner thigh. The ultimate aim is to bring your head lower and lower until it reaches your knee

without rounding your back. The Head to Knee Pose releases tension from the lower abdomen,

legs, and feet to open the root chakra.


The powerful Padmasana or Lotus Pose has many holistic benefits. It grounds the body firmly to the earth in a cross-legged seating position with the ankles over each thigh, feet against the

creases of the hips, and hands resting against the knees. The Lotus Pose targets the root chakra

while lengthening the spine, increasing range of movement, stretching the ankles and knees, and

promoting a deeply calm mental state.


The Setu Bandha Sarvangasana or Bridge Pose is one of the best yoga poses for alleviating back pain. It entails lying down and raising the hips to the sky, with the glutes engaged and feet firmly planted on the floor, hip-width apart. With an equal distribution of weight on each foot, the Bridge Pose aligns the spine, promotes better posture, and straightens the hips by maintaining a balanced position of the pelvis. This stabilizes and strengthens the core to provide an energizing, restorative, and awakening effect on the root chakra.

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These are just a few of the many yoga moves which can complement the treatments prescribed by

your doctor to address physical discomfort, biomechanical dysfunctions, mental health issues, and

chronic medical conditions. Outside of tantra yoga classes, the root chakra can be further

rebalanced by simple everyday practices like meditation, maintaining a healthy diet, strength training and reconnecting with nature by spending more time outdoors.