How Many Chemical Peels to Get Rid of Acne?


How Many Chemical Peels to Get Rid of Acne?

Acne is often thought to be an issue faced by teens. While this may be true, it doesn’t just
magically go away once you reach adulthood. Many adults are faced with acne issues. Not only
do they have to deal with breakouts, but many adults also have to deal with scarring from acne
they suffered years ago. Fortunately, there are ways to deal with this issue. One of these
treatments is chemical peels.

What are Chemical Peels?

A chemical peel is a specially formulated solution that is applied to the skin. It works to strip
away dead skin cells from the surface so that newer skin cells can be exposed. Peels also work
to encourage faster regeneration of skin cells, which improves your skin’s tone and texture
while also preventing pore from becoming clogged.

Types of Chemical Peels

There are a few different types of chemical peels, each designed to achieve different goals. The
mildest type is also known as a superficial peel. These types of peels only penetrate the surface
layer of your skin. They are generally good for treating acne, although results only last one to
two months before acne begins to flare up again. Mild peels are generally well tolerated and
side effects are minimal.

Moderate chemical peels penetrate deeper than superficial peels. In addition to getting rid of
dead cells on the surface of your skin, moderate peels also help to increase your natural
production of collagen and elastin, the proteins that give your skin its elasticity. These types of
peels can help to treat both acne as well as mild scarring in your skin. Side effects of moderate
peels include redness, swelling, and skin darkening, but these effects generally subside in about
a week.

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Deep chemical peels, as the name suggests, penetrate the deepest and are effective for
treating scarring. These peels use strong chemicals and should only be applied by trained
professionals. They work to break down the proteins in your skin while also stimulating the
production of collagen. The side effects are also the most severe and include bleeding, crusting,
and swelling. It can take up to 6 months for these side effects to subside completely.

What Type of Chemical Peel is Best?

The best type of chemical peel depends upon your specific situation. A consultation with a
skilled professional is absolutely essential. With the right professional, you will see the best
results possible.

Who Can Use a Chemical Peel?

Chemical peels are not for everyone. They can produce unwanted effects in those with darker
skin tones, including temporary hyperpigmentation (darkening) of the skin or permanent
hypopigmentation (lightening). These risks increase with the use of stronger acids. For these
reasons, a consultation is crucial.

How Many Chemical Peels are Needed?

Again, like the type of chemical peel needed, the number of chemical peels required will vary
based on your exact situation, including the depth and breadth of your acne. It may take a
series of chemical peels or a combination of different treatments to provide you with your
desired results.

Viva Day Spa has a page that discusses chemical peels and it explains, “It depends on your skin,
your desired outcome and the chemical peel. Advanced corrective peels a series of 3
treatments every 4 weeks works best.”

Source: Viva Day Spa Chemical Peels

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Chemical peels are a great treatment for helping to get rid of acne and acne scarring. Many
experts agree, however, the best results for getting rid of acne is achieved with a combination
of treatments. If you’re considering a chemical peel to deal with your acne, it’s best to schedule
an appointment with a professional. They’ll help you to determine the best treatment to give
you optimal results.

Author Bio: Jennifer James is an avid hiker and fashion blogger from Texas.  When not
spending time with family she is shopping in downtown boutique malls.


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