Taking Care Of Your Parents 3 Senior Care Options For Peace Of Mind

When parents reach their 70s and 80s, they may begin to show a number of signs that indicate they should not be living on their own. Medical problems, safety issues and concerns about isolation may cause them to look into the options for care. Fortunately, most communities offer a variety of options for eldercare. However, there are significant differences between these options that may influence your decision on caring for your aging parents.


1 – Aging At Home & Home Care

Many seniors feel most comfortable in their homes and do not want to leave, even as their needs for additional help grows. These elders often do best, both physically and mentally, if they are allowed to stay in a familiar environment, with supplemental help from home care agencies. These agencies can provide a range of services, from light housekeeping to transportation and companionship. In addition, you can arrange for more comprehensive home care as your parent’s needs change. This arrangement can be a good option for some seniors.


2 – Residential Elder Care

Some elders benefit from a residential facility that can provide 24-hour supervision. These facilities, such as The Scottish Home, provide a variety of levels of care for seniors, often in a “step-up” system that offers additional help as it is needed. Assisted living centers provide 24/7 supervision, along with meal service, housekeeping services, laundry and transportation to shopping and other activities. Intermediate care combines these services, along with 24-hour medical supervision. Nursing home facilities provide intensive medical care for elders who have severe or chronic medical problems. Memory care facilities offer additional monitoring of elders with dementia, whose safety might be at risk because of memory problems. Residential care offers the benefit of interaction with other people.

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3 – Living With Family & Adult Day Care

Some families prefer to manage the care of elderly members within the family group. This arrangement can often keep the senior engaged in a regular household routine, with socialization arising naturally from family events and activities. Because many individuals work outside the home in these times, this arrangement may need to be supplemented with adult day care for seniors, to provide watchful supervision and stimulating activities during the day.


Along with help from doctors and other family members, adult children can begin to evaluate the needs of parents in order to make the right choice for their care. However, these needs may change over time, and additional care measures may need to be put into place for the parent’s safety, as well as for their physical and mental health.