A thriving dental practice that serves your community for generations is often the ultimate goal. But that can be difficult to achieve if your office lacks an online presence. In this day and age, it’s imperative for business owners, including dental practices, to put their brands on the virtual map to constantly attract new clients, said dental practice management consultants.

12Here are some dental marketing strategies you can implement to help your practice grow its new patient base and reach your business goals:

  • Improve your website’s design & functionality.

The core aspects of all your digital marketing efforts will begin on your website. It’s the first point of contact for your potential patients. It should be where they can learn about your brand, read more about your services and book an appointment.

Also, think of your website as your virtual waiting room. It should be comfortable, welcoming and easy to navigate. Is that how your website works right now? If not, users probably check it out for a few seconds and click the exit button right after. Perhaps, it’s time to reevaluate your website’s design & functionality. It must be easy to navigate; patients must know where to click next to get the information they need. It should also have a more modern, sleek appeal to impress today’s users. 

Not tech-savvy? You can hire a web designer to improve your website. That way, you can have more time to focus on patient care and other business aspects. 

  • Implement SEO strategies.

Once you have an impressive website, it’s time to optimise it for search engines. SEO or search engine optimisation techniques will help your website appears for relevant searches on Google and other search engines. In a way, SEO helps put your dental practice in front of patients at the exact moment they’re looking for your services. 

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SEO strategies can be overwhelming and ever-changing. It’s best to work with an expert SEO firm to help plan and implement SEO strategies for your dental practice. A top-quality firm can analyse the current market trends, do comprehensive keyword research, and use insights to create and adjust strategies as needed.

  • Write blogs consistently.

People searching for dental services have various dental problems. But before they book an appointment with a dental practice online, they are likely to search for information about the problem they have—whether it’s missing or yellowed teeth. One way to attract these potential patients online is to write blogs consistently.

When posting informational & engaging blogs about different dental topics on your website, you’re building trust with your readers. Plus, it helps with your SEO campaign. Readers will continue to come back to your website, and Google loves that! Credibility, engagement, and relevance can help boost your search rankings. 

What should you write about? You can start by answering the top aftercare questions you hear from patients about a specific dental service. Writing about the differences between your services works, too. And if you’re out of ideas, tap your SEO partner firm; they can produce SEO-friendly & engaging content on your behalf. 

  • Create short & authentic videos.

From YouTube and TikTok to Instagram Reels, short videos dominate the internet. But how can you beat the algorithm of these different platforms? How can you ensure the videos on your social media pages show up on your target audience’s feed? Be authentic. People nowadays are sick and tired of being sold to—they can sniff a sales pitch a mile away. So instead of sales videos, focus on creating fun videos or TikToks that engage your potential patients without directly selling them a service.

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You don’t even need to hire a professional video company for this. Just whip up your smartphone and start shooting content. You can start with a quick tour of your dental practice. Is your staff game to try a fun TikTok trend? You can do that, too. It also pays to look at your competitors or other brands online. What do they post about? Look at their successful videos and try to recreate them. If you don’t have time to shoot all these videos, hiring content creators & influencers can help you.