Achy Athlete 5 Exercises with Minimal Impact on Joints

Whether you overdid it with your last workout session, or you are simply feeling your age, painful or sore joints can really put a damper on your ability to exercise comfortably. Even though you have painful joints, this does not mean you should stop getting regular physical activity.

In fact, sore and achy joints are a major reason to begin doing exercise that will help your joints to move and get better with time. Achy joints generally need to get sufficient amounts of movement and exercise to improve their function without a lot of pain and soreness.

The following are five types of exercises that place a negligible amount of impact on your body’s joints.

The Warm Up

A light warm-up exercise is integral to helping the joints feel less pain by releasing stiffness and improving mobility in and around the body’s joints. Trying to exercise more intensely without warming up can translate to a lot more pain and soreness in joints: as well as in your muscle tissue also.

Make sure that your warm-up exercise lasts a couple minutes or longer to give your body time to transition to more intense workouts. This should help to prevent further achy joint problems.


Walking is one of the best all-around exercises. This is especially true if you are trying to prevent yourself from doing harm to one or more of your joints. With each step, you will help the joints in your legs to utilize the synovial fluid that nourishes your joint tissue. This fluid-like substance requires physical activity to get into your joints where they need to be to help your joints.

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Additionally, a daily walk for 30-minutes will help improve your circulatory system as well. This is an exercise good for people with sore joints of all ages.


Another great low-impact form of exercise is swimming. The bulk of the exercise is to work your arms and legs against the normal resistance of the water. Having a pool spa or a swim spa to work out and relax in can make this whole process easy to execute as often as you need in order to remain on track with your exercise regimen.

Using an Elliptical

One way to reduce impact on your joints when working out is to work out on an elliptical machine. As you simulate other exercises on the elliptical, you will notice that an elliptical machine does not place a lot of weight bearing stress on your joints. With the ability to simulate exercises like climbing and running, this makes the elliptical a versatile exercise tool for people with achy joints.

Practice Yoga

While Yoga involves a lot of stretching, stance work and reasonably paced position changes, this makes Yoga a great work out for many who have sore or achy joints. Yoga also benefits you by helping you to develop muscle strength around the joint area. In turn, this additional muscle strength helps not only to improve the muscles around the joint, but it also makes these joints far more stable and less susceptible to injury.

Just because you are experiencing some achy or sore joints, this does not mean you should utterly quit working out. Joints put in motion will often feel better with moderate work or exercise.

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Strengthening the area around the achy joint will help matters along by bringing stability to the joint and making it easier for the joint to carry a load. Before you know it, your joints will be feeling as good as new soon enough, and that will make it possible for you to resume all your normal activities without a lot of aches and pain in your joints.