
It is nearly impossible to enjoy yourself when you are struggling with red eyes, a sore throat, and a runny nose. If you or a loved one has begun to dread the allergy season, then read ahead for some tips you can use to minimize the side effects of your seasonal allergies.

Create a Nightly Ritual

You might be able to take control of allergies by changing a few habits before you fall asleep. Getting into bed with allergens clinging to your skin and hair can make your symptoms much worse the following day. Simply washing your hair and face before you get into bed every night could help with issues such as itchy eyes or a stuffy nose. You should also change into a clean pair of clothes before getting into bed and keep your dirty clothes as far from your mattress as possible.

Deep Clean Your Home

Many families carry out spring cleaning to combat upcoming allergy flare-ups. Throughout the year, your home can collect an incredible amount of allergens and irritants. Microscopic spores, dust, and dander often become trapped in carpets, drapes, towels, furniture, and linens. Spending a few hours cleaning every nook and cranny of your home will allow you to start the allergy season off on the right foot.

Limit Your Time Outdoors

No matter how well you have cleaned your home, it doesn’t take much for allergens to make their way back inside. You might want to consider keeping an eye on local allergy alerts so that you can make changes to your habits accordingly. If you absolutely must go outside, then you should try to leave all of your outdoor clothes at the door. Much like your hair and skin, allergens can easily become trapped in the fibers of your jackets and shoes.

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Speak With a Professional

There may come a point when changes to your daily habits are no longer keeping your allergies at bay. A medical professional with a Nursing Informatics Degree can help you track your symptoms and come up with a comprehensive plan to combat your allergies. This might include treatment options such as seasonal injections or other forms of prescription medication that will allow you to avoid the side effects entirely.

In addition to speaking with a professional and cleaning up your home, you should also keep a good supply of antihistamines with you at all times in case of a severe reaction or flare-up. Neglecting your allergy symptoms can lead to bigger problems like mucus in the lungs, ear infections, and sore throats. When you feel a reaction coming on, look for medicine that works for you as soon as possible.