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If your bones are starting to feel weak or beginning to ache, you could have a medical condition that is affecting your skeletal structure. Certain bone conditions are treatable with medications and nutritional supplements, so it is important for you to see a doctor if you suspect that something might be wrong. Here are four conditions that are known to cause bone weakness:


This is one of the most common conditions that leads to bone weakness and often affects the elderly. Osteoporosis sometimes leads to bone fractures due to the loss of bone density. If the bones become particularly weak, it could increase your chances of falling and breaking certain bones. If you suspect that you have osteoporosis, you may notice that your posture is hunched and that you sustain fractures much more easily. To treat this condition, you can try increasing your calcium intake and consume supplements, like those from AlgaeCal Inc, that promote calcium absorption.

Fibrous Dysplasia

Bones that do not mature and make an excessive amount of fibrous tissue can cause this disorder. You may notice that certain bones are misshaped and painful. This condition may also lead to increased bone weakness and make you more susceptible to fractures. If you have fibrous dysplasia in your legs, one leg might be longer than the other and cause you to limp. Although there is no cure for this condition, surgery to treat fractures and pain can offer you some relief. It is also a good idea to increase vitamin D, calcium and phosphorous intake to keep your bones as strong as possible.

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Rheumatoid Arthritis

This autoimmune disease causes the immune system to mistakenly attack the bones and other healthy tissues and organs in the body. Most people are diagnosed with this condition midlife, but it can start at any age. Although joint pain is the most common symptom, you might also experience bones weakness and decreased range of motion in certain parts of your body. Rheumatoid arthritis can also wear down cartilage. To ease your symptoms, you doctor will likely advise you to take anti-inflammatory and pain-relief medications.


Due to a lack of calcium or vitamin D, you could develop osteomalacia as your bones start to soften. When the condition affects children, it is referred to as rickets. Osteomalacia can also cause you to have muscle pain and waddle while you walk. It is important that you consume enough calcium and vitamin D in your diet to combat this condition. If your body is unable to absorb enough vitamin D because of a disorder like celiac disease or a kidney or liver problem, you should seek treatment for that particular condition.

There are many factors that contribute to bone weakness and pain, and learning the exact causes can help you find the right solution. Getting an accurate diagnosis from your doctor along with the right treatment can help you restore your bone health.