Dental Health During Pregnancy:

During the pregnancy, women experience surge of hormones. As these changes are to be predicted, many expecting mothers mistakenly assume that all dental care should be postponed until the birth of a child. However, good oral health and preventive treatment benefit both the mother and the child and should be a part of a regular prenatal care.

Pregnancy Gingivitis

This condition occurs in almost every case of pregnancy. Although only temporary, it manifests itself with swollen and tender gums and excessive bleeding. Meticulous care at home and routine monitoring by dental professionals may help ease these symptoms and maintain positive oral flora throughout the pregnancy.

Tooth Mobility

Related to pregnancy gingivitis, increased tooth mobility is another typical symptom. Because the gums are compromised, they do not provide the same sturdy support. The teeth may become slightly unstable and cause discomfort when eating or speaking. Proper nutritional intake of soft food and healthy beverages is most beneficial during the time of pregnancy as it will alleviate the possibility of accidental or premature tooth loss.

Gingival Enlargement

In severe cases, the growth of the gums becomes so excessive that it may cause almost complete coverage of the teeth. The ailment cannot be cured, but it can be treated with medicated oral rinses and other methods prescribed by the dentist, such as increased dosage of Vitamins C and B12.

Oral Tumors

As the hormone activity increases, many female patients experience the growth of benign tumors. The condition is usually painless, but can cause discomfort and spontaneous bleeding. If the growth is excessive, the lesions may have to be surgically removed. In most cases, the tumors recede immediately after the child is born.

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Excessive Acid

The contributing factor to oral changes is morning sickness. The daily purging creates excessive amounts of acid and may lead to the erosion of the enamel. Women are instructed to rinse their mouth immediately after vomiting with a solution of water and baking soda to create more alkaline oral environment and follow with flossing and tooth brushing.

More frequent dental cleanings and exams are highly recommended during the course of pregnancy. The prophylactic cleanings help to curb the growth of bacteria, plaque and tartar and allow the dentist to diagnose any dental discrepancies in their early stages. As the condition is only temporary, meticulous maintenance plays a major role and alleviates the possibility of transferring harmful microorganisms into the bloodstream and the fetus.