Fighting Foot Fungus How to Combat Athletes Foot

Athlete’s Foot is a fungal rash on the skin of a foot that generally begins between the toes or on the arch. If left untreated, this rash can spread to the heel, toenails, and sides of the foot. The rash can turn into blisters, scaling, ulcers, and sores that leak foul-smelling fluids. There are simple ways to protect yourself from contracting such a sinister skin condition.


Utilize Preventative Foot Care

The best way to combat Athlete’s Foot is to take measures that prevent you from contracting it in the first place. Not walking around barefoot in public areas where others may be transmitting their own Athlete’s Foot fungus is the most important preventative measure. Also, applying anti-fungal foot powder to your feet on a daily basis will prove beneficial in the fight against Athlete’s Foot.


Practice Good Hygiene

Hygienic foot care practices are vital when it comes to combating and treating Athlete’s Foot. Wear cotton socks that will allow your feet to breathe and prevent moisture build-up. Do not ever share socks, shoes, or towels with others for this is how the fungus can spread. Always keep your feet clean, dry, and powdered to hamper the growth of any foot fungus. Change your socks on a daily basis to reduce the amount of fungus and bacteria present on your feet and in your shoes.


Use Over-the-Counter Medications

Should a case of Athlete’s Foot appear despite your best efforts, all is not lost. Continue to keep your feet clean and dry with fresh socks, but instead of an anti-fungal powder, switch to applying an ointment or a spray that is designed for Athlete’s Foot. Be sure to wash your socks in the hottest water setting available to kill the fungus and sanitize your socks. Be sure to keep your shoes lined in anti-fungal powder as well to kill any fungus that may be present within. Do not pick or tear at the flaking skin for you may cause the fungus to spread even further by doing so.

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Seek Medical Professional Assistance

If the over-the-counter creams and sprays aren’t curing your Athlete’s Foot, it is a severe enough case to warrant a visit to a local foot and ankle specialist. Foot and ankle specialists, such as Advanced Foot & Ankle Centers of Illinois, will be able to examine your particular case of Athlete’s Foot and advise you on the best course of action. For severe cases, the consultation usually results in prescribing a very strong prescription-strength ointment or an antibiotic.


Exercise caution should you contract Athlete’s Foot. As an infectious fungal rash, it can spread to other parts of your body through contact. This means if you touch your infected foot with your hands, the rash could spread to your hands. Be sure to use latex gloves when treating your infected foot and always wash your hands after handling anything that has touched your foot.