If you’re seeking an effective way to foster independence and positive behaviors in your child, ABA therapy may be just what you’re looking for. According to ScienceDirect, Applied Behavior Analysis, or ABA therapy, involves applying the science of learning to address communication, social, and behavioral deficits in individuals with autism. When implemented effectively, ABA treatment can enhance developmental and educational outcomes in individuals with autism. This post will examine what to expect from ABA therapy, especially when nurturing independence and positive behaviors in your child.

How ABA Nurtures Independence

The first item on this top 10 list of reasons why every child with autism deserves ABA therapy, is evidence that it helps children learn essential life skills. So, what makes ABA therapy effective? First, ABA has the potential to address harmful behavior and encourage children to foster positive behaviors that pave the way for independence. Second, ABA treats your child as an individual. Instead of a one-size-fits-all approach, ABA allows therapists, in partnership with caregivers, to set individualized goals for every child.

Individualized goals target the specific needs of a child, with a focus on improving communication skills, self-care, reduction of problematic behavior, and maximizing progress. ABA therapy can help children develop communication skills for use with friends, parents, and teachers. Building this essential skill set can assist with the transition to kindergarten. Let’s explore how ABA therapy works.

1. Assessment

An assessment helps a therapist understand your child’s strengths, weaknesses, and unique needs. Developing a baseline across key domains through the initial assessment helps identify the positive behaviors and skills that the therapy plan should focus on.

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2. Break Down Skills into Small Steps

It is always challenging to learn a new skill. The process can be overwhelming regardless of whether a child has been diagnosed with autism. However, ABA therapy can make learning new skills and nurturing them into daily routines easy and fun. How? ABA therapy analyzes tasks, breaking them down into smaller, manageable components. A therapist will then teach each step until the child learns them.

For example, let’s say a child has difficulty with brushing their teeth. A therapist will break the process into steps, from picking up the toothbrush to applying toothpaste and brushing teeth, to rinsing, and finally putting the toothbrush back in place. After learning the steps in a specific task, a therapist chains them together so the child can complete them independently. So, through task analysis and chaining, children can learn essential life skills that empower them to be independent and happy.

3. Opportunities to Practice Each Skill

Children need opportunities to foster new behaviors, which is what ABA therapy focuses on. Throughout therapy, you will notice that an ABA practitioner will use verbal or physical prompts to guide a child to perform a specific task. For instance, a therapist could use a phrase or hand gesture to prompt a child to do something, like greeting someone they just met or completing a minor task. When a child develops the desired behavior, therapists begin to fade out prompts.

Center-based ABA therapy stands out as a convenient and effective choice, designed to minimize distractions and enhance the overall learning experience. In this setting, each child benefits from individualized attention provided by ABA experts, creating an environment conducive to focused skill development without external disruptions. The center-based approach not only ensures a dedicated space for skill reinforcement but also significantly contributes to the child’s ongoing progress and growing independence.

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4. Generalization

You know what generalization is, but you might be surprised to hear that it is an important component of ABA therapy. ABA practitioners implement the concept of generalization to ensure a child practices what they learn across all environments: in clinic, at home, in the community, or in school. For example, if your child learns to ask for a glass of water during therapy sessions, they can use this same skill to ask for water when thirsty in school or at the park.

5. Positive Reinforcement

ABA therapy strongly emphasizes boosting motivation to ensure children keep working towards developing positive behavior. So, after each small accomplishment, therapists use positive reinforcement or rewards to keep kids engaged and having fun. For example, let’s say a child learns how to play with others without being aggressive, or improves their verbal communication skills. They receive a reward, perhaps access to a preferred toy, or praise, which can encourage a child to further engage in those demonstrated positive behaviors.


ABA therapy could be an effective way to equip your child with the tools they need to navigate the world safely and confidently. ABA therapy helps children achieve important milestones by evaluating their strengths and weaknesses and offering a personalized treatment plan. It then breaks tasks into small, achievable goals, and rewards progress and achievements.

Brad Zelinger is the Founder and CEO of Stride Autism Centers.