Home Remedies to Treat Baldness

Baldness or Alopecia is a condition that occurs when a person is facing hair loss problem. This condition occurs due to genetic or hormonal predisposition. Balding is a matter of concern for men and women as well. Baldness is common condition observed among several people when they start growing old. It often makes the person feel embarrassed when bald head develops at an early age.

This condition affects both men and women and people start losing confidence and start looking for several ways to treat balding.  Many people try spending lot of money on creams, medicines and lotions which claim to fix this problem but in vain. They feel disappointed after regular usage of the above mentioned products as they show no positive results. Fortunately, we have several home remedies which can help treat baldness easily without spending much. Here are few such home remedies which can help treat balding.

Amla oil:

Amla or Indian Gooseberry has several benefits which can help treat baldness. Amla oil is a traditional remedy which can help treat baldness easily at home. Apply amla oil on your scalp and massage your hair. Amla oil is available at several grocery stores and you can also prepare it at home. To prepare amla oil at home, you need to add dry amla pieces in coconut oil and boil it till the color of the oil changes to dark color. Apply warm amla oil to your scalp and massage for few minutes. It can help enhance hair growth and is considered as one of the healthy hair tonics which can help treat balding. You can also add few drops of lemon juice to amla oil while massaging it on your scalp.

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Lettuce is another home remedy to treat balding and is also readily available at home. Prepare a mixture of lettuce and spinach and drink it regularly to prevent hair loss problems. This remedy can help reduce balding and also strengthens your hair. It helps improve hair growth and it is recommended to drink a glassful of this natural drink daily in the morning.

Henna and mustard oil:

A combo of henna along with mustard oil can be applied on your scalp. It helps control balding. Boil handful of henna leaves in mustard oil. Let it cool and then apply it on your scalp. This is one such effective ways to treat balding. Massaging your hair with this solution can give extra strength to your hair and also helps prevent hair loss.


Onion is another effective remedy which can help treat balding. Rub your scalp with onion slice till that particular area of your scalp turns red. This remedy can help treat balding easily at home. Follow this remedy twice a day to see best results within a month.

Coconut milk:

Coconut milk is another effective remedy which can help treat balding. Apply it on your scalp and massage it till the solution seeps into the roots of your hair follicles. This is an effective way to rejuvenate hair growth and nourish your hair thereby helping you to treat balding.