Many parents are fully aware of the fact that babies use a lot of diapers. In fact, many believe that diaper might just be one of the biggest costs of a baby. That’s the reason why many mothers are looking for ways on how to save money when buying diaper.

But perhaps you are curious – how many diapers does a baby use in a year? We know it’s many but how much it can be? Well, you will be surprised to find out the answer!

Lucky for you, you do not have to do your calculations because I have already done the math for you. If you wish to know the answer, just read on to find out!

How Many Diapers Does a Baby Use in a Year?

Before we determine the number of diapers a baby uses in a year, we first have to determine how many diapers a baby uses in a day. Well, that would depend on how much the baby poops and pees.

During the first month of your baby, he will be pooping for about 4 times a day (if formula fed) and 3-4 times a day (if breastfed). On the other hand, he will be peeing for 8 -10 time a day (if formula fed) and at least 6 times a day (if breastfed).

If that is the case,  formula fed babies may use 360- 420 diapers while breastfed babies will use up about 270 – 300 diapers during their first month.

After the first month to a year, you can expect a decrease in their bowel movement and urination. However, you can still expect your baby to use up to 6 to 8 diapers a day.

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If this is the case, then your baby will be using 2,010 to 2,680 diapers from the second month to a year.

So that leaves us with a total range of 2,370 to 3,100 diapers in a year (for formula fed babies) and 2,280 to 2,980 diapers a year (for breastfed babies). Now, aren’t these numbers quite shocking?

Why Monitor Your Baby’s Diaper Use?

So maybe you are wondering why do we have to go to great lengths to determine the diaper use of your baby? Well, aside from the fact that monitoring your baby’s diaper use can help you set up the right budget for your baby, tracking the diaper use of your baby can also help you monitor his health.

You see, you can use the number of diapers wetted as a sign to determine if your baby is getting the adequate amount of food to eat or water or milk to drink.

If the diaper use of your baby coincides with the range mentioned above, he is getting enough milk. But if his diaper use is significantly less than the average, it may mean that he is not able to get enough nutrition that he needs. If that is the case, you may need to tell your child’s pediatrician about it.

How to Track Your Baby’s Diaper Use

There are plenty of ways on how you can record the diaper use of your baby. First, you can go the conventional way of listing down the frequency of diaper change in a day in a notebook. You can also try encoding it in Excel or place it in a document in Microsoft Word.

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If you usually use your smartphone, you will be happy to know that there are now apps that can help track the feedings, poop, and pee of your baby. In addition to that, you can also use charts that you can find online.

When choosing a method you will use in tracking your baby’s diaper use, you should opt for something that can be printed and that you can bring with you wherever, so you can easily present it to your child’s pediatrician during check-ups.


We know that babies use a lot of diapers but how many diapers does a baby use in a year? According to our calculations above, a breastfed baby can use up to 2,280 to 2,980 diapers a year while a formula fed baby can consume 2,370 to 3,100 diapers a year.

You can use these figures as the basis if your baby is receiving enough nutrition. If the newborn’s diaper use is within the average, your baby is getting enough nutrition but if it isn’t, you may need to consult your doctor.

Do you have any questions or maybe you have some information you would want to share with us? If so, you can head to our comments section below! We would love to know more about your thoughts there!