If you are a chemist developing new products, you will need preclinical services. There are many companies that do this in-house. The problem is that this process is time consuming. This is something you should outsource in order to concentrate on the core operations of your business. So, how do you find the right service provider for this? The purpose of this post is to help you pick the right team to handle your preclinical toxicology needs.

Years in the business

Looking at the number of years the company has been in business is probably the most obvious thing you need to look at. To be able to ascertain that a product is safe for consumption, the service provider needs to run all the tests that are needed. This requires him to use advanced equipment and to rely on experience and professional training. A new company will not be able to deliver the most comprehensive results. This is because there is only so much that professional training can teach. Experience is what helps the service provider to pinpoint the least obvious problems in a product. Newer firms will rely on professional training and guesswork. This is something you don’t want when you are about to launch a revolutionary product.

Recent clients

Another thing you need to take a look at is the type of clients the company works with. A good service provider should be able to offer the service you need. They should also have offered that specific service to other companies. Don’t settle for the information on their website. These are only claims unless the service provider has products that they have worked on. A great company will offer consultancy services, safety assessment, slice culture, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and customized assay development services. Preclinical toxicology CRO should be able to handle your unique product needs.




Having been in the business for years and having worked with many companies is not enough. You need to go a step further and dig deeper into the past of the service provider. The main focus here needs to be what recent clients are saying about the services rendered. Start with online reviews. You need to visit all the independent review sites that bear the name of the pre-clinical testing company. Go through the reviews and make note of the negative comments. You will also need to contact people who have used the company before. Ask for references from your target candidate and contact at least 5 references. Get to know if the people you contact would consider doing business with the service provider ever again in the future. If their answer is no, know why.


Last but not least, you need to consider the cost of getting the pre-clinical toxicology services. Service providers charge differently for their services. You have to make sure that working with a certain company will not break your budget.

There are so many companies out there that offer pre-clinical toxicology services. Considering the success of your product depends on how accurate the toxicology report is, you have to make sure you are working with the most stringent service provider in the area.