If you’ve experienced stomach pain, bloating, vomiting, and even poor bowel movements, then you’re most likely suffering from viral gastroenteritis. This is a short-term illness which is triggered by either infections or inflammation of your digestive system. It’s usually caused by viruses and parasites around your area, as well as consuming contaminated food or certain medications.

It can affect both children and adults, causing a lot of discomfort for a few days. Fortunately, there are ways to help lessen the intensity of symptoms and quicken the recovery process. If you’re wondering what to do if you do get such stomach infections, read on!

I’ll show you five tips to do when you get gastro.

Five Tips to Do When You Get Gastro

Fortunately, gastroenteritis is treatable and will usually go away without the need of medical treatment. If you want to quicken recovery and ensure that the pain doesn’t worsen, there are ways to get through the virus, such as:

  1. Replace All Lost Fluids and Electrolytes

One of the most common (and serious) effects of gastroenteritis is dehydration. Because of this, you need to replace all the lost fluids and electrolytes to treat or prevent dehydration. That’s why it’s crucial to drink as many fluids as you can.

If ever you vomit from what you eat or drink, then it’s best to only sip small amounts of fluids. You can replenish your lost fluids with the following:

  • Water
  • Sports drinks
  • Broths
  • Fruit juices

You can also help replace electrolytes with saltine crackers!

As for children, it’s best they take oral rehydration solutions to replace both fluids and electrolytes. For babies, they should drink formula or breast milk as usual.

  1. Taking Over-the-Counter Medication
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Other times, adults are able to take over-the-counter medications like Pepto-Bismol or Imodium, which can treat upset stomachs and diarrhea from gastroenteritis. You can check your local drugstore for recommendations to soothe your upset stomach.

If you have a fever and/or bloody diarrhea, don’t take such medications and seek a doctor. This is because it might be a sign of infections coming with parasites or bacteria.

However, take note that these medications aren’t for children! You’ll need to consult a doctor beforehand to know which medications are safe for them.

This method is best suited for adults who only have slight gastroenteritis symptoms that aren’t too serious.

  1. Think of Your Rest and What You Eat

Viral gastroenteritis can affect not just your digestive system, but the way your body works. It leaves you weak and unable to move around as you would normally, which is why it’s best you get your rest!

This has you replenish energy as you continue to recover, which may also quicken the recovery process. Furthermore, it’s best that you stay at home recuperating to prevent any infectious bacteria from spreading to others.

Besides this, you have to give your digestive system a rest as well. This means eating less fatty or oily foods which aggravate your stomach.

  1. Head to a Doctor If It Gets Serious

If you’ve tried doing various home remedies, hot packs, over-the-counter medication, but you still feel the symptoms, it’s best to get a doctor in Brisbane. Fortunately, there are house doctors that can visit you, or centers with doctors who can identify the cause of your gastroenteritis and treat it correctly.

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Usually, your doctors would prescribe medication to control vomiting, though they won’t prescribe antibiotics usually, as it doesn’t work for viral infections. Instead, they may recommend probiotics, which help shorten diarrhea.

But if it has come to a point that you are suffering from severe symptoms to the point of dehydration, you may be admitted to a hospital.

  1. Prevent Gastroenteritis From Happening

It’s just as important to know how to prevent gastroenteritis from happening. You can keep you and your family away from the condition by following these tips:

  • Wash your hands after using the restroom, handling or consuming food, as well as changing diapers
  • Clean surfaces that have come into contact with vomit or stool
  • Wash your clothes or linens which have come into contact with vomit or stool immediately
  • Do not handle or prepare food for anyone else if you have gastroenteritis
  • Also, avoid consuming contaminated water or food which were linked to nor virus outbreaks

Wrapping It Up

Suffering from viral gastro is no walk in the park, which is why it’s important to learn what you should do if ever it does happen to you or your family members. That way, you won’t feel as bad if left untreated, and you can recover quicker.

I hope my five tips to do when you get gastro helped you out. So if you have gastro or know someone who does, then try any of these helpful remedies now.

If you have any questions or want to share your own experiences on treating gastro, then comment below. Your thoughts are much appreciated.