Ageless akin

Preserving the elixir of youth isn’t as hard as you assume it to be. A little care and awareness is all you need to get over the troubles. What are they? Lifestyle changes. They can help you get the skin you want to have. Try the following. They are fuss-free and will help you preserve the radiance till late in life.

Be active
A physical activity like exercising (any form) not only helps in getting good health but it lends a clear, glowing skin too. When you do some exercise it improves blood circulation, thereby improving oxygen supply too. It also boosts collagen production. Sweat unclogs pores. Also a physical activity leads to formation of natural oils and these oils are useful in keeping skin soft and supple, avert sagging and lends a natural youthful skin.

Don’t just feed your body, feed your skin too
We often eat to feed our body but forget the essence of eating. It is to keep ourselves healthy. This health comes from eating right because this eventually affects our skin and its well being in the long run. Say no to foods that can affect skin badly like sugar, salt and processed food. Eat nuts, salmon, tomatoes, avocados and the like for that glowy skin. Though we don’t need to remind you this but do drink lots of water.

Keep it sun safe
Sun can be your biggest frenemy. I am saying so because if you overexpose yourselves to it, it can bring more harm than good. Make a barrier between you and the frenemy. Use a good broad spectrum sun block – one that is effective against UVA and UVB rays. It will help you keep your skin safe from premature formation of dullness, wrinkles, age spots and more.

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Sleep well, really well
You would love to hear the words “sleeping beauty” but you won’t look beautiful while sleeping until you sleep well. Don’t miss this essential in your hectic life. Do rest your body for at least 7-8 hours. Fine lines appear faster when you are tired. When you sleep well, stress get reduced with serotonin production and your body feels fresh and rejuvenated with skin emanating this with a healthy glow.

Make moisturizer an essential in your life
Skin must have the moisture to retain the plumpness that reflects youthfulness. So while you drink enough water to keep it hydrated from within, moisturize it from above with good moisturizer. Dry skin not only looks awful, it ages faster than other skin types. Drier, the skin, more wrinkles are prone to appear on it. So moisturize religiously. Alternatively, if some signs have appeared, start using anti wrinkle cream. Dermology skin care anti-aging Serum is really effective against those signs.

Try supplements
If you think you are lacking in some essential element in your daily diet, then do ask your doctor to prescribe you a supplement. These supplements can make your skin smooth with added benefits like strong hair and nails. They have antioxidants which fight free radicals, catalysts of aging. They also help skin fight sun damage. Vitamin and minerals have a key role in tissue formation and blood circulation. Take them.

Try them today!