vitamin k and testosterone

Testosterone is a hormone that builds bone density, contributes to libido, adds to sperm production and makes muscle. It appears in more significant quantities in men than it does in women. For men, besides having an abundance of it naturally, activities such as exercise and sexual activity can stimulate testosterone release in the short term.

With males, testosterone is produced in the testes. With females, in much smaller amounts, in the ovaries and the adrenal glands.

When a person is in their teens and early adulthood, the hormone is at its highest levels. After the age of 30, the effect of the hormone begins to decrease. There are clear signs of low testosterone levels, and that includes depression, fatigue, lower sex drive and an increase in body fat. We’ll talk more about testosterone later.

What is Vitamin K2?

Vitamin K2, also known as menaquinone, falls under the Vitamin K category. You may not know much about it. That’s because it was recently discovered. Vitamin K2 helps with calcium metabolism, and it prevents calcification of the arteries. Vitamin K2 helps prevent calcium from building up in the wrong places such as in the arteries or in soft tissue. Signs of K2 deficiency include tartar on the teeth, plaque buildup in the arteries, arthritis, bursitis, and more.

Does Vitamin K2 Increase Testosterone?

Yes, based on well-known studies, Vitamin K2 helps to increase testosterone naturally and can be found in many testosterone boosters. It works best as a way to combat testosterone deficiencies and for keeping the hormone at healthy levels.

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Specifically it:

  • Keeps inflammation away and regulates particular genes, thereby keeping certain killers away from testosterone.
  • Keeps an enzyme essential for T-synthesis at normal levels.
  • Interacts with the sex hormone binding globulin or SHBG.

To determine if there are low testosterone levels in need of a K2 boost, a blood test must be taken by a qualified medical professional. If a person is involved in competitive sports, other tests may also be given, such as urine tests.

In addition to age, other factors can contribute to low testosterone, such as low caloric intake or excessively high-calorie intake, depression, drug use, training too hard for a sporting event, stress and anxiety, chronic illness, lack of sleep, etc.

Testosterone supplements can be taken, but should only be taken on the advice and administration of a medical professional. These are not supplements that anyone should be taking on their own. An overabundance of testosterone can lead to many side effects such as acne, oily skin, mood changes including hostility, hair growth in women in places that are not desirable or hair loss in men, a deepening of the voice in women, testicular atrophy in males, lack of a menstrual cycle in women, and much more.

How can you get Vitamin K2?

Many doctors recommend that you try to get vitamin K2 from natural sources, but if you are unable to do that or if you have conditions that prevent you from doing that, you’ll want to go with a supplement. You can take a vitamin K2 supplement, but you’ll need to make sure it is safe and from a reputable company. You’ll also need to make sure that it’s K2 and not K1. K1 is found in green, leafy vegetables. K2 is found in animal sources, like eggs. The ideal daily dose should be 150 to 400 micrograms per day. Also, there can be side effects of K2 supplements. Those who are pregnant or breastfeeding should only take K2 if prescribed by a health professional. For those with diabetes, one’s blood pressure should be monitored while taking it. Kidney disease and liver damage is also a side effect of the supplement.

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There are certain foods in our diet that contain vitamin K2, and these foods are animal-based foods. Foods such as hard and soft cheese, egg yolks, chicken breasts, ground beef, butter, chicken liver, and more. Try to incorporate these foods into your diet as opposed to resorting to supplements.

How to Get More K2

If you are concerned about your testosterone levels or just in incorporating K2 into your life, it’s best to consult with a medical professional or a nutritionist. The kind of advice you receive will depend on the background and training of the professional. Some medical professionals are more prone to traditional methods, such as drugs and supplements. Other medical professionals rely more on natural methods. Therefore, you may be advised to take K2 supplements or you may be advised to change your diet depending on the opinion of the professional.