Loosing and gaining weight is not the easiest thing in the world. We all know that. When it comes to building muscle, there are various techniques which can help you increase your muscle mass in a healthy way. The one we propose includes a balanced diet and an appropriate workout.


Counting calories

From now on, math will be your best friend as you should always be aware of the amount of calories you consume. The amount of calories women need to maintain their weight is 1800-2000, while men need around 2500 calories a day. In order to build muscle, your body needs more calories. The trick is in the calorie surplus. How many calories should you consume additionally so that you do not gain fat? The ideal calories surplus for women is 125 per day, while it is 250 for men.

Having a nutrient-rich diet

Not only should you count calories, but you should make sure you always eat nutritious foods, too. You need a diet with an optimal balance of proteins, carbohydrates and unsaturated fats. The main function of protein is to build, repair and maintain muscles. Proteins consist of amino-acids, 9 of which the body cannot make itself. You need to supply your body with them through diet. This is the reason they are so crucial for muscle building. In order for the synthesis of protein to be appropriate, you also need fats and carbohydrates. There are two types of carbohydrates: low glycemic index and high glycemic index carbohydrates, divided depending on the speed it takes them to enter the blood stream. Ingested carbohydrates are turned into glucose which provides your body with energy and which fuels muscular contractions. Finally, unsaturated fatty acids such as Omega-3 and Omega-6 are beneficial for muscle recovery.

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How many times a day you eat is also important. As a renowned personal trainer from Dubai claims, you need 5 or 6 meals spaced 2-3h a day.

Strength training

One of the important muscle-building techniques is certainly strength training. Strength training is the key factor in building strength and skeletal muscles. Include a full-body workout routine for the most effective results. It is also necessary to mention that your workout should not last more than 45 minutes. An extreme workout can lead to injury, problems with sleepiness and even anorexia athletica, a disorder known as compulsive exercising. Changing repetitions every 3-4 weeks is recommended in order for your muscles to adapt to the new exercises leading to better results.

Stretching before a full-body workout enables the expanding of connective tissues which surround muscles, leading to their better growth. There are three types of stretching: active stretching with weights, dynamic stretching and static stretching.

Nutrition workout plan

After we covered the workout and diet, we need to combine them to achieve the most productive results. When it comes to a pre-workout meal (1-2 h before the workout), it should consist of 75% of low glycemic index carbohydrates and 25% of protein. Low glycemic index carbohydrates release glucose into the bloodstream more slowly and they are rich in nutrients. You can opt for a Greek yoghurt with bananas, walnuts, apple and honey. During a workout, a protein shake within 2h is recommended for better muscle building. For a post-workout meal, choose the optimal combination of proteins and carbohydrates. Whole foods are the best post-workout choice. You can opt for a spinach salad and chicken breasts or an avocado filled with cottage cheese and tomato. Another option is Greek yoghurt, fish, low-fat milk or turkey.

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To conclude, you need patience for effective results, as well. Nothing happens overnight. I will round off this article with a quote by Lee Haney: “exercise to stimulate, not to annihilate. The world wasn’t formed in a day, and neither were we. Set small goals and build upon them.”