Athletes, fitness professionals, or professional sports-persons, one thing that is common in them is injuries. Sports injuries are common, and every athlete encounters them in their sports career. Some injuries are minor, whereas some are moderate, but it is essential to keep yourself updated with the necessary information about such injuries. This article talks about some common sports injuries and what can you do to treat them quickly.

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Ankle Sprain

An ankle sprain is the most common sports injuries that happen when you twist your foot inwards. The ligaments outside the ankle are weak, and this turn can result in a tear in these ligaments. In the case of a high ankle sprain, you might have to see a doctor make sure no fractures or dislocations have happened.

Cure: In the case of ankle strain, it is essential to maintain mobility. Keep exercising to maintain flexibility and movement because the last thing you want is a stiff ankle, which you can’t move. Consult your doctor to know more about what exercises to do.

Groin Pull

When you push-off in a sidewise motion, you strain the inner thigh muscles or groin. Some common sports with groin injuries include football, hockey, baseball, etc. If your groin has significant swelling, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible.

Cure: Groin injuries require rest, accompanied by compression and icing. Don’t return to full-time activities until you have fully recovered as it can lead to other long-term problems.

Hamstring Strain

Hamstring includes the three muscles in the back of the thigh. In sports that require a lot of jumping and sprinting, hamstring can overstretch, causing a hamstring strain. Some sports in which hamstring injuries are common are cricket, athletics, waterskiing, etc.

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Cure: Hamstring injuries require as much rest as possible. These types of injuries take a while to heal because of the stress hamstring muscles experience because of walking. In general, hamstring injuries take six to twelve months to heal.

Shin Splints

The pain that occurs on the front side of the lower legs is collectively called shin splints. This injury is more familiar with athletes that are involved in long runs on paved roads. A stress fracture is rare with shin splints, but you should consult a doctor if the pain is severe, and there are no signs of recovery.

Cure: OTC painkillers are the main course of treatment. Rest and apply cold backs for accelerating the healing process.

ACL Tear

ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) is responsible for holding the knee to the leg bone. Sudden stops and cuts can tear the ACL, and a complete tear makes a pop sound. ACL tear is a severy injury and requires immediate medical attention.

Cure: You can do nothing except making sure you don’t do any more damage to the injured area. In most cases, ACL tear requires surgery.

Patellofemoral syndrome

Another knee injury, the patellofemoral syndrome, is caused when your kneecap repetitively moves against your thighbone. This movement can damage the tissue under the kneecap. Patellofemoral syndrome is common in sports like basketball, volleyball, and running.

Cure: Patellofemoral pain takes time to relieve, and thus, patience is the key. Low impact exercises and quadriceps exercises can help in reducing pain and improving the healing process.

Tennis Elbow

Another common injury that can take up to years to heal, tennis elbow is an elbow injury caused by repetitive, continuous use of the elbow. In tennis elbow, elbow’s tendons undergo many tears and irritations. Tennis elbow is more common in middle-aged or old people (30-60 years).

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Cure: Severe tennis elbow might require medical assistance, but most tennis elbow cases are minor and can be cured by taking rest and not stressing the elbow too much.

When to Get Medical Attention?

You might be tough, but you need to be smart as well. If you notice some of these symptoms, visit AICA’s Atlanta physical therapy clinics today. These professionals can perform specific treatments that speed healing for a host of sports injuries, including those that affect soft tissue. These symptoms include:

  • Joint or bone deformity- bone might poke out of the skin or look crooked.
  • If the injured area cannot function at all and you cannot put any weight on that limb.
  • Skin color variations more than normal bruising.
  • The condition is not getting any better in spite of taking all the necessary measures.


Sports injuries are unavoidable for athletes, but taking a few necessary measures after the injury can help you recover faster and reduce the damaging effect. If you injure yourself, take all the measures to protect yourself from further injuries. Take as much rest as possible, and restrict any activity. Apply ice to the injured area and accompany it with an elastic bandage to reduce swelling. If the injury looks severe and the pain does not reduce after taking all the measures, visit a doctor.