sports injury


As staying healthy has been shown to help improve longevity and the reduction of disease, undertaking sports regularly is a good thing.

Unfortunately, regular sport also increases the likelihood of injuries. It’s important to be aware of the most common types of sports injuries and how to deal with them.

You should definitely add the number of a reputable physiotherapist Concord to your phone, they can help you heal faster and maintain the strength in your muscles while healing and unable to complete sports.

  1. Sprain

Sprains are probably the most common of all injuries. They happen when high-levels of pressure suddenly focus on one joint. This is often a result of overtraining or a fall while exercising.

The ligament at the joint becomes stretched. This causes inflammation and pain, it’s important to allow it to heal properly before training again. If you train too early you’ll damage it further and cause long-term issues.

A minor sprain stretches the ligament, a major sprain can tear it. They are most common in ankles, knees, shoulders, and elbows. Minor sprains can be treated at home, rest and ice to reduce swelling should resolve the issue in a couple of days.

In contrast, major strains will need professional assistance.

  1. Strains

Strains are very similar to sprains. However, instead of sudden force damaging a ligament, it will damage your muscle. These are most common in the hamstring, calf, groin, quads, and lower back.

Again, rest and ice to reduce inflammation should take care of the issue in a few days, allowing you to slowly start training again.

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Serous pain or a strain that doesn’t heal after a few days will need professional help.

  1. Fractures

Moving up in seriousness the fracture is when a bone is damaged but not necessarily completely broken, although it can be.

You’ll know the issue as you’ll be in intense pain and unlikely to do anything with the affected limb. You’ll need professional help to have x-rays completed and ensure the bone is set properly. It will put you out of action for longer. But, once it’s healed, you should be able to continue exercising like before.

  1. Concussion

These can happen to anyone as they occur when you bang your head. The bang causes your brain to move inside your head, causing bruising to the brain. You’ll probably feel dizzy, disorientated, and get a headache. You may also have memory loss, a ringing in your ears, nausea, and a sensitivity to light.

Although this usually goes away in a few days by itself, it’s always better to get professional help.