
Do you want to have a clearer vision without the use of any corrective lenses? Although the natural means of improving our eyesight does not guarantee a total recovery for a good vision, we can still try other suggested tips. There are some clinical tips and exercises that we can use to help our eyesight improve as the years go by. Aline with that goal, we can also undergo eye exams like the one offered by various eye centers that can be found within our area or city.

You should know how your vision works. In this way, you will be able to understand what you are doing when you want to retrain a clearer vision. When you decided to improve your eyesight, it means changing your habitual way you see and use your eyes.

Read them below:

An eye chart is essential. Get an eye chart and place it on your wall. In this way, you assess and measure your eye progress. This eye chart is available online and you won’t get stress finding them.

Make some relaxation exercises. First, place your hands together, make sure it’s palm to palm. Then rub them together briskly to create heat. After that, place your hands over your eyes and let your eyes relax. Think of a relaxing image or place. Make sure that there’s not light coming it. You can do this exercise when you have a spare time for the day. It is a good exercise especially when you sit in from the computer. Another exercise is using alternating hot and cold compresses on your eyes on a daily basis to help them relax.

Read also :  Helpful Tips For People Suffering From Glaucoma

The moisture of the eyes should be maintained. One of the best things you can do to keep your eyes healthy is by maintaining the natural balance of moisture of your eyes. Keep in mind that dry eyes can be really itchy, red and painful sometimes. You can blink more often even when you are attentive to television or working in front of the computer.

Eye exercise. A lot of optometry and glaucoma therapy clinics would recommend making some eye exercises from time to time. Just like the muscles, your eyes will suffer from not-so-good situation when you don’t exercise them. There are set of eye exercises that you can do to help your eyes.

  • The 20/20/20 exercise. You can do this exercise every 20 minutes. Just focus on one object for at least twenty feet away for 20 seconds. You will feel good after doing it.
  • The thumb exercise. Using your thumb, look at it five inches away from your face and just focus on it. Then, after 5 seconds, focus your eyes on something behind the thumb. This exercise is good for ten times and does it if you have spare time.

Decrease the brightness level of the computer screen. You should lower the level of brightness of the computer or laptop screen to help your eyes to relax but of course, don’t lower it too much that you have difficulty in seeing things on the screen.

Don’t neglect your eyes and improve your eyesight.