Winter is tricky, it leaves us a lot of time to think and that can sometimes wear us out. We think about the previous year, and if that year has not been very kind to us, we can get sad and suffer from the winter blues. Waiting for spring is difficult as it is, and when you’re desperately waiting for it, it may seem like time is deliberately slowing down. Instead of being sad all the time, you can make an effort and turn your winter into a time of healing and recovery so that by the time spring comes, you become a ‘new you’.

Work out

Winter is for curling up under a fluffy blanket, eating popcorn, and drinking hot cocoa while watching Christmas movies, right? Not so fast! While it can be great to take a break from your ‘work, work, work’ routine, being inactive can make you feel depressed and slow your metabolism, too. It is scientifically proven that exercise makes you happier, and exercising during winter is twice as great because you will be staying in shape and be pleasantly surprised by your body in the spring. Easy exercise in winter is great for your physical and mental health, especially if you decide to work out with a friend or your partner.

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New hair, don’t care

It’s amazing just how much a new hairstyle can do for a person’s self-esteem and mood. We cut our hair when we’re making a change or change our hair colour to mark a new era in our lives. When you feel like the bitter winter winds and cold are just too much for you, a hairstyle change is just what you need. It doesn’t have to be drastic; great hair sometimes means straight instead of curly or vice versa, and sometimes it’s just an edgy new braid or a delicate hair accessory. When your hair is healthy and clean, you feel better and you will notice that your mood is also better without too much effort.

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What’s outside?

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Yes, we already established that it’s much more comfortable sitting in your warm home than freezing outside, but ‘outside’ has a lot to offer, too. Fresh, crisp air and beautiful nature look like they are literally frozen in time. Go for a walk in the park or go to the countryside and notice how peaceful it is. The world is slowing down and you can only hear occasional bird call. It will make you appreciate peace and quiet, as well as the warmth and comfort of your home. These peaceful walks are also a great time to talk to your friends or family members, and for the two of you to enjoy some quality time together.

Eat clean

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Christmas is all about gingerbread men, cocoa, eggnog, and sweets, but eating too much sweets and junk food can be bad for your mood, too. Instead of eating a bowl of candy, you can try preparing some healthy sweets: apples dipped in raw honey, strawberries dipped in dark chocolate, or your own granola bars. Also, it’s great if you take some time and prepare a big meal for your friends. It will keep you busy and you will notice that the food which you took time to prepare tastes ten times better than the one you might have ordered.

Staying positive and strong is not always easy, and if you’re going through your sadness alone it may seem like mission impossible. Holidays are time meant to be spent with people you love and doing things that make you happy. Call your family and talk to friends you haven’t seen for a long time, read books, watch movies, and step out of the house often – you will be surprised just how beautiful the world is in the winter.

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