Fighting the Side Effects of Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is a unique condition in which the body can’t process gluten, and it affects around one percent of the adult population. There is currently no known cure for this disease, but patients can do quite a bit to mitigate some of the symptoms. Here is a quick look at some of the most common side effects of celiac disease and a few steps that you can take to manage those issues.

Hormonal Imbalance

Almost any condition that impacts your gut health will also affect your hormones. Men especially with celiac disease have trouble getting the right levels of testosterone. This is a major problem that can lead to deficiencies in bone growth, and in these cases, it may be beneficial to consider anti-aging testosterone treatment services as way to get those levels back to where they need to be. A hormone specialist may be able to help you come up with a comprehensive treatment plan that stabilizes your testosterone levels, boosts your energy levels, and increase bone growth in a healthy way.

Nutritional Deficiencies

Whenever you make any major changes to your diet, you could develop a nutritional deficiency. A large selection of essential vitamins just aren’t absorbed as they should be while the stomach lining is under attack. In these instances, it’s important to speak with a registered nutritionist to get the proper supplements. Working with a nutritionist can help you identify what vitamins you aren’t absorbing properly and get the proper supplements into your diet. They can also look at your overall diet and make sure that you are getting the proper natural exposure to these vitamins and nutrients, as well.

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Weight Gain

Celiac disease isn’t just your normal food allergy. It’s an auto-immune disease, which means that not only does the body attack the gluten, but it attacks itself in the worst ways. With your stomach lining under attack, weight gain is a very common side effect. As mentioned, your body doesn’t take in nutrients as well as it should, which means that you feel the need to eat more to get those nutrients. On top of that, the hormonal imbalances tend to lead to more fat storage, making weight gain a very prominent side effect of Celiac Disease.

Gut Issues

One of the most common side effects of celiac disease is abdominal discomfort, and practically every patient will struggle with this issue at least a few times over the years. As the body attacks the stomach lining, the gut bacteria that lives there and helps with digestion is attacked as well. This means that, especially after exposures to wheat, it can really help to take probiotic foods and supplements to help redevelop that natural bacteria. Your gut is filled with important flora for digestion, and probiotics will help that flora thrive.

Celiac disease is a major condition that can affect all parts of the body if not treated properly. If you have been diagnosed, then not only should you avoid gluten, but it is essential that you watch for other side effects and get the help you need. A lot of these side effects come to those who went years before being diagnosed, so just avoiding gluten after diagnosis may not be enough to counter all of the effects on your body.

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