Children can get molluscum contagiosum when they are playing with other children. The day school or kindergarten is one of the places where your kids can possibly get the infection because of interaction with other kids. Your kids can contract the virus when touching an item that is contaminated for example toys or clothing. Children often develop the bumps on the face, abdomen, hands and legs.


Teens and adults are also vulnerable to Molluscum Contagiosum. Teens and adults are likely to get the infection by having sexual contact or participating in contact sports where the skins can constantly get touched by others. In adults, it can appear on places such as inner thigh, genital and belly. People with weaker immune systems tend to have more serious symptoms, for example, the lesion will be larger. The lesion on the skin can reach up to 15 mm. Bumps that appear on the face tend to take a longer time to heal. There can be up to 20 bumps in a single patch.

It is possible to get the molluscum infection when you are at the gym because all the sports equipments are shared. Someone with the infection could have touched the sports equipment and the virus stay on there. When you touch the equipment, the virus will be passed on to you. The virus seems to continue to spread on its own as one bump gets dry out and disappear. However, if you scratch, the rashes will spread even more and scratching may also leave scars when they are healed.

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Many parents don’t know how to recognize the skin bump of Molluscum contagiosum on their children. If you are not sure about the skin bump, you should take your child to the doctor. The doctor can easily diagnose the infection by just taking a single look. The doctor can also perform a biopsy on a sample after scraping the infected skin.

Some people don’t need to seek treatment on the rashes and it will just disappear after a few days. However, if it lasts for several months and didn’t disappear, it means that your body’s immune system is not strong enough to fight it and you should seek treatment.  The techniques used by the doctor to treat the skin infection can be painful, for example, the doctor may use a tool to pierce the bump or liquid nitrogen for freezing the bump.

Applying the Molluscum treatment topical cream is the safest way to treat the skin infection and speed up the body healing process. You should get the medicated topical cream if you have large lesions of rashes on your body. Treatment is necessary if the lesion is located in areas that are harder to heal such as neck and face. The cream will encourage the top layer of the skin to peel off. The virus can’t spread to other parts of the body once the rashes have cleared up. You are not protected against new infection like chicken pox so you can get the molluscum contagiosum bumps again if someone spread the infection to you again.

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