remedies to cure peptic ulcer
Home Remedies To Cure Peptic Ulcer


Peptic ulcer can cause severe stomach pain and discomfort and is a critical medical condition. This condition occurs when the lining tissue across the digestive system gets corroded due to over secretion of gastric juice by the stomach.

The membrane lining across the digestive system gets corroded and a hole formed on the lining of the tissue which causes severe pain. It is essential to cure peptic ulcer as early as possible before the condition worsens.

There are several procedures to cure peptic ulcer and they may even show some side effects . Here are few home remedies which are helpful in curing peptic ulcer. These remedies have no side effects and are cost effective as well.


You need to drink milk (cooled to room temperature) without adding sugar to it to cure peptic ulcer. Chilled milk can give an instant relief and also reduces the burning sensation caused due to peptic ulcer. This is one of the easiest and safest ways to cure peptic ulcer at home.

Cabbage juice:

Cabbage juice is an effective natural home remedy to cure peptic ulcer. Cabbage juice has the ability to treat ulcer within a few days. Prepare cabbage juice and consume 1/4th glass of this juice a day. Ensure that cabbage juice which is consumed should be fresh and don’t store it for long hours. The odor and taste of cabbage juice is awful, but you can add a pinch of pepper and salt to it and consume it.


Bananas can help treat peptic ulcer easily. The compounds present in banana neutralize the gastric acids within your stomach and coat the lining of your stomach tissue. You need to practice this remedy for not being a victim of peptic ulcer. Prepare a smoothie of two bananas with milk and consume it twice a day. This remedy is proven to be effective in reducing the pain caused due to peptic ulcer and you should also continue eating bananas regularly even after recovering from this medical condition.

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Carrot juice:

This is another home remedy effective in curing peptic ulcer. Consume carrot juice daily in the morning for not being a victim of peptic ulcer. You can also consume juice of carrot, beetroot and spinach to treat peptic ulcer. Add a 300ml quantity of carrot juice to 200ml spinach juice and consume it daily in the early morning to get rid of peptic ulcer. You can also add few drops of honey to it.


Almonds are also effective in curing peptic ulcers. Prepare an extract of almonds by blending a handful of them in a blender and consume it along with milk. Almond milk can help neutralize hyper acidic condition within your stomach. Consume it thrice a day to see visible results.

Fenugreek tea:

Prepare a decoction of fenugreek seeds and water. Strain the solution and consume this tea. You can also add few drops of honey to this herbal tea, if you can’t bear the pungent taste of fenugreek seeds. This is yet another effective remedy helpful in curing peptic ulcer.