Home Remedies for Yellow Nails

Yellow nails usually develop due to unhealthy lifestyle, consuming foods with lot of turmeric, excess consumption of oil etc. A yellow nail represents lack of care towards nails. You need to remove stains of nail paint before you apply nail paint as these stains can leave yellow color behind which can make your nails look yellow in color.

How to get rid of the Yellow on your Nails?

However, there are many home remedies which can treat yellow nails and can save you from getting embarrassed. These remedies might take time to show positive effects but you can get back your white nails, if you follow these natural home remedies.

Lemon juice:

Baking soda and lemon juice when combined together are proven to be effective to treat yellow nails. Squeeze a lemon slice and add little water to this lemon juice. Soak your nails in this solution and let your fingers relax for about 20 minutes.

Lemon juice can help reduce yellow coloring of your nails. Repeat this process many times to see visible results. You can also use a combination of baking soda and warm water instead of lime juice and water.

Vapor Rub:

Vapor rubs can help treat your yellow nails and help you get back your white nails. You can get back your white nails naturally after following this remedy. You have to apply vapor rub to the cuticles and nails twice a day and you can see visible results within few days. If you don’t want this vapor rub to vanish off while you are working, you need to wrap it with a cloth for 20 minutes.

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Mouth Wash:

Mouth wash helps in protecting your teeth and gums and it can also be used as an effective remedy to treat yellow nails. You need to use water along with this mouthwash to improve the ability of mouthwash to treat yellow nails. Take a bowl of Luke warm water and add little mouthwash solution to it. Soak your fingers in this solution for around 25minutes and practice this remedy regularly to see visible results.


Vinegar is one such effective remedy to treat yellow nails. Vinegar acts as an acid to treat your yellow nails. Take some vinegar in a small bowl and soak your fingers for around 10 minutes. Follow this remedy twice a day to see visible results and you can get back your white nails within a month.

Tea tree oil:

Tea tree oil can be used as an effective remedy to treat yellow nails effectively. Tea tree oil is known for its antiseptic and fungicide properties which can help improve the color of your yellow nails. Apply few drops of this essential oil thrice a day to get rid of your embarrassing yellow nails. You need to follow this remedy twice a day to see best results.

All these remedies are proven to be effective and can help treat yellow nails effectively without any side-effects. Following these remedies can help you to get back your white nails.