The toilet is one of the parts of the house that should be cleaned regularly. As many as 3.2 million bacteria per square inch are lurking in your toilet bowl. That’s pretty disgusting. Add the fact that most of these bacteria can cause severe illnesses in your family.
One of the most obvious signs that your toilet is not properly cleaned on a regular basis is the presence of stains. They’re probably one of the hardest things to deal with and often, even the most expensive disinfectants and stain removers couldn’t handle tough stains.
Don’t lose hope.
Even the toughest stains have their weakness.
What’s more – sometimes, the most effective stain removers are those you’d normally find in your home. Check out the following tips and ways to effectively clean toilet stain and get rid of those tiny evil creatures that bring varying diseases to your family.
Best Ways to Clean Toilet Stain
Baking Soda and Vinegar
Baking soda and vinegar are a perfect pair when it comes to cleaning stains not only in toilets but also in sinks. You probably have these two ingredients sitting in your pantry. Pour about a cup of vinegar into your toilet bowl, and then add about a cup of baking soda. Add 1-2 more cups of vinegar. Let the mixture sit in for a couple of minutes. Use a toilet bowl to swish the solution around the bowl. Don’t flush the toilet just yet. Let the solution sit in for a couple more minutes and then brush the toilet bowl again.
Tip: You can drain the toilet for a more concentrated vinegar-baking soda solution.
Borax Powder
Borax is a very common multi-purpose cleaning product that works really well in eliminating hard water stains in the toilet and other plumbing fixtures. If you’re using Borax powder, pour 1/4 cup of Borax into your toilet bowl and then add 1 cup of vinegar. Allow the mixture to sit for about 20 minutes. Finally, scrub the bowl to easily get rid of hard water stains.
Tip: for really stubborn stain, use Borax paste. Make sure to wear rubber gloves as a safety precaution.
Extra Fine Sandpaper
Using any of the above solutions (or even your traditional toilet cleaner), an extra fine wet sandpaper is a better option than a scrub. Using a drywall sandpaper is ideal but any fine sandpaper is okay. This makes the removal of hard water buildup on your toilet much easier.
Tip: Never use dry sandpaper as it could damage your toilet, especially if it’s made from porcelain. Keep the area wet as you scrub off the stain.
Disinfecting Wipes
Medical-grade disinfecting wipes aren’t really going to remove tough stains. However, they have the ability to eliminate disease-causing germs and bacteria from your toilet seat. Wipes are way more effective than soap and water solution or wet tissue.
Put a stack of wipes in your bathroom so that anyone who has to use the toilet can wipe off the toilet seat clean before and after use.
General Bathroom Hygiene Tips
Needless to say that the bathroom is a common germ hotspot inside your home. Why? The moisture and water make it a conducive place for bacteria to thrive and multiply.
From showering to brushing, your bathroom is where you clean up. Wouldn’t you want to keep this area clean as well? In addition to regularly cleaning your bathroom, here are some important hygiene tips to ensure that your bathroom stays clean and germ-free:
- Replace towels often. Replace hand and body towels after every three uses. The thick fabric of towels locks in moisture which breeds germs more quickly. Your ideal solution may be the usage of recycled paper napkins and tissues which is both hygienic and eco-friendly
- Separate toothbrushes. The American Dental Association recommends storing toothbrushes in an upright position, in a separate area from everything else. Keeping them in closed containers makes them more prone to breeding bacteria.
- To increase the comfortability of your time spent on the toilet you may also get some innovations, such as heated toilet seats. Manufacturers and users assure that they can not imagine how we were living without this invention.
- Use vinegar for cleaning. Instead of fabric conditioner, make use of vinegar when washing bathroom towels. You can also use it to clean and disinfect not only the toilet but also the sink, shower head, tiles, and other surfaces in your bathroom.
- Shut the lid when you flush. This is to avoid germs and fecal matter from reaching all other parts of your bathroom.
- Try to keep the surfaces as dry as possible. You may need some high capacity dehumidifier
- Don’t use your phone in the toilet. You could be transferring millions of germs and bacteria from the bathroom to the rest of the house.
- Wash your hands regularly every time you use the bathroom, even after cleaning it.
Many people find cleaning toilet stains a very daunting task. Actually, it isn’t and it shouldn’t be. There are different ways to clean hard water stains easily, without spending too much and without having to expose yourself to toxic chemicals. But sanitizing is a different thing. Make sure to regularly clean your bathroom to stop the spread of bacteria.