Moving to another house is frequently cited as one of the most stressful events in one’s life. Most of us like familiarity, order and routine, but we can’t have all of that when we’re moving homes. Our healthy habits are thrown off track, and we feel stressed while prepping, during the move and while unpacking our boxes.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t stay healthy & reduce stress when moving homes. Here are some tips to help keep your move exciting and make it a little less stressful.

Get organised.

Cramming can raise your stress levels to the roof, so give yourself plenty of time to prepare for your move. Start by sorting out your possessions. See which stuff you should donate, throw away or bring to your new place. Sorting your things as early as possible will give you a better idea of how much you’ll have to move on the day.

Also, don’t forget to make a few visits to the new location before the move. You can talk to the strata management to know the moving rules and check out the common areas. You can also go the extra mile by registering with a new GP or learning to commute to your office from your new office to help things go smoothly once you’ve moved in.

Pack the essentials in a separate, labelled bag.

Amidst all the boxes and unarranged furniture pieces, moving into a new home can be chaotic. So make sure to pack your essentials in a separate, labelled bag. That way, you can find it no matter how messy & chaotic everything else gets. What to pack in this bag? It could include moving documents, medications, toiletries, a change of clothes, a phone charger, and other things you need to feel well and happy during a stressful event. And keep this bag close to you during the move.

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Observe proper lifting techniques. 

Even if you hire a moving company or ask for help from friends, you’re bound to lift a box or two when moving homes. Make sure to observe proper lifting techniques, as one wrong move or a single slip could cause a serious injury. You don’t want an emergency hospital trip to make your moving day even more stressful.

Here are some tips to help you use proper lifting techniques:

  • Assess the situation before lifting. Ensure the coast is clear; you don’t want to trip over a tangled cable on the floor while carrying a heavy box. 
  • Keep your back straight when lifting to avoid back pain. Instead of hunching, bend your knees to engage your leg muscles while lifting a hefty box.
  • Once lifted, the heavy object should be close to your waist. That way, you can have better stability as you walk to the car or moving truck.
  • Wear high-quality work gloves to get a solid grip on a box or furniture piece. 
  • Don’t make any abrupt movements while carrying heavy items. Otherwise, you may lose your footing and get into an unfortunate slip-and-fall accident.

Plan your meals for the moving day.

It’s easy to skip meals when you’re too busy packing, lifting boxes and driving, but that will only make you feel worse amid a stressful day. Besides, you need food to have the energy & stamina to survive your house move. So include planning your meals for the moving day during your prep work. 

A day before the move, take some time from your busy schedule to cook or prep what you’ll have for breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner the next day. If you’re planning to eat out or have something delivered, check out healthy restaurants in your new location before the move. That way, you won’t have to spend 30 minutes browsing food delivery apps and end up getting fast food to have quick meals.

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