Local Rehabilitation or International Treatment: Which One is Better?


If you’re considering undergoing rehabilitation, you may be wondering whether to go to a local clinic near your home or seek treatment from another country. No matter which option you choose, it all boils down to personal preference and what you think will best meet your needs. In this guide, we’ll be taking a close look at the pros and cons of both options to help you make an informed decision.

Making the case for undergoing treatment in a local clinic

The main advantage of going to a local clinic for rehabilitation is accessibility. There’s no need for you to travel extensively by car or rail just to arrive at the clinic. You’ll always be in close proximity to your loved ones who can offer you the love, care, and support that you need to overcome your addiction. If you live in Boston, for example, looking into massachusetts rehab centers may be beneficial. Traveling alone while rehabbing can be a daunting proposition, especially when you don’t have a strong support system alongside you. Undergoing treatment in a local clinic means aftercare sessions are much easier to stick to.

Many rehabilitation centers include aftercare sessions as part of the overall rehab package. If you choose to receive treatment in a clinic near you, you’ll be able to attend aftercare sessions with ease.

Making the case against undergoing treatment in a local clinic

While rehabbing in a local clinic offers convenience and accessibility, the major disadvantage is that patients can easily overlook the quality of the treatment. Ideally, you want to select a rehab clinic for more important reasons such as the type of treatments they offer, the ambiance of their facilities, and other factors that can help you overcome your addiction. Often times patients will go to a local clinic near them just to undergo rehab, but not exactly receive the right treatment that’s suited to their needs.

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Another disadvantage of undergoing treatment in a local clinic is that you’ll be near familiar triggers that can cause a relapse. You may encounter people, places, and things that recall your addiction and cause you to give in to your cravings which can delay your progress. Depending on your situation, your relationships with friends and family can also affect the success of your rehab.

If your friends and family are causing your triggers, it’s best to limit contact with them as much as possible. This is where you can start seeking international treatment.

Making the case for seeking international treatment

Sometimes, a change of environment is what a patient needs to regain control of their life. New surroundings mean new opportunities for growth. You can meet new people and form healthier relationships while being free from the familiar triggers that have shackled you to your addiction. You’ll be as far away from toxic friends and family members as possible, allowing you to focus solely on your rehabilitation and freeing your mind of any distractions. A major benefit to international rehab is that you have plenty of options such as drug rehab in Bali. The quality of treatment is generally much higher (but not always) and you’ll be in a better position to choose clinics that best suit your needs.

Making the case against undergoing international treatment

While there are plenty of advantages to seeking rehabilitation abroad, there are downsides to it as well. First off, the treatment can get very expensive. If you have a limited budget, undergoing treatment abroad may leave your pockets empty before you finish rehabilitation. Factor in your basic needs such as food, rent, and transportation, and the costs will add up significantly while you’re there.

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Another disadvantage is that you’re all on your own. Unless you have someone to accompany you during your international treatment, you don’t have much support system to rely on when the cravings start to kick in. That means you have to hold yourself accountable for each decision you make.

Following the completion of your rehabilitation, you may find it difficult to return for aftercare sessions. Aftercare sessions are crucial to help sustain your recovery once you’ve left the treatment facility. Undergoing rehab abroad means you’ll be less likely to attend aftercare sessions and it can result in relapse if you’re not careful.

Making an informed decision

At the end of the day, it all comes down to where you feel comfortable undergoing rehabilitation. For some people, they want to be as close to friends and family as possible. They recognise that a strong support system is what they need to help them overcome their addiction. While for others, seeking international treatment is the better choice. They want a change of scenery and they want to distance themselves from familiar triggers and toxic relationships as much as possible.

Take your time and plan things carefully. Weigh down the pros and cons of both treatment options so you can make an informed decision. Go with what you feel fits your needs best as this can greatly influence the success of your rehabilitation.


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