
Beauty is divine and should be kept that way; it breeds the bond between physical existence and emotional connections. One of the primary ways of expressing beauty is through the use of makeup. Makeup is very good for improving the beauty of the face. While it is safe to say that trends in the beauty industry come and disappear with time, there exists universally constant ideas that you can utilize to achieve the glamour look despite the ‘season’ of fashion you are in. They include:

1. Using the eyeliner

One of the best ways to achieve radiant and glowing eyes that capture attention is by use of eyeliners. Applying this lining to the inner rim of the eye distinguishes the eye from the rest of the facial features; it makes it pop out in a natural way. Colors bring out the uniqueness of the eye for instance for a subtle or calm look go for brown eye liners where as to achieve a dramatic feel apply the black eye liner. Eye liners really do not have a season where they can or cannot be applied and as such they can be used anytime with the only consideration to be made is the hue that complements the facial skin tone.

2. Applying mascara

Mascara should be applied on both upper and lower eye lashes in a sequence separated by dipping the application brush in mascara bottle to refresh the cream or liquid; whichever form it exists in. As for color, brown or dark mascara is universal and recommended for every season make up. For those who do not fancy mascara, use curlers to curl the eye lash for a beautiful and attractive look.

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3. Use less foundation

When using foundations to achieve breakouts in the face, less quantity is really helpful to a larger extent. Do not over indulge in too much powdering of the entire face. Foundations are only meant for covering indifferences in skin tone and coupled with concealers can bring out a radiant face. Too much foundation makes you appear look older than you actually are and in a worse case scenario, is hurtful to the skin pores.

4. The lip liner

The lip liner is one of the most unique makeup ideas that exist and complements any lipstick that has been applied. The use of lipstick does not end at its application stage; you have to make a fine finishing that shows every one that you truly and fully understand what it takes to apply makeup. Afterwards, use the lip liner to achieve a good finish in the contour shape of Cupid’s bow. This is most noticeable when applied on the upper lip contrary to what majority of ladies do by applying lip stick straight across the lips and leaving it at that; it makes you look old than you actually are.

5. Wash the face before applying makeup

In order to achieve optimum results from application of makeup, it is important to wash your face before applying any make up. Washing should be done with either cold or lukewarm water since hot water leaves the skin susceptible to irritation. When drying the face after washing, pat it softly with the drying towel or cloth instead of scrubbing as this loosens the facial skin.

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6. Try Exfoliating

Skin cells die with time thus make no need to apply makeup over dead cells; exfoliating is important. It is the process of removing the outer most dead skin cells either through mechanical means or by chemical processes. Though it is not necessary to apply it every day, it is helpful if done occasionally especially on areas that always seem to be dry. It provides the makeup with a new canvas to operate on.

7. Use bronzers

Even though bronzers create silhouette celebrity looks, they are a bit biased since they blend well with pale or light skins contrary to other skin types. On the bright side, they create shimmer due to their warm attribute if applied appropriately. Proper application of bronzer should involve use of puffy brushes that spreads it evenly across the face. Normally is best to begin from the outside of the face as you work your way inwards. What makes this make up method universal is that it has the ability to make the face glow even in poor lighting conditions such as night clubs and parties.


Make up should enhance your beauty and personality in the most intriguing way possible thus why it is important to master good and efficient ways of applying them. Good knowledge of the perfect combinations of facial powder and lip stick as well as other forms of beauty products will not only create a polished and natural look, but will promote and maintain t as well.