Online pharmacies provide access to medicines at your fingertips. Considering the fact that all of us are hard-pressed for time, finding a pharmacy within easy access or that is well-stocked can be a cumbersome job. An online store, no matter who you are or where you are located, assures that life-saving drug or your dose of medication reaches you at your doorstep.


Being ever cautious, most of us are left with important questions. Are they reliable? What is their reach in terms of delivery? How do I know if their medicines are genuine? What sort of medicines can I get through their stores?

Here are some of these concerns, demystified.

What Sort of Medicines do these Pharmacies Stock?

Though not a norm, most such stores stock all sorts of medicines and healthcare products – allopathic, homeopathic or even alternative medicines. A pharmacy feature is sometimes integrated into a more complex record or support system, to be accessed anywhere anytime.

Some medicines may be unavailable. At such times, generic drugs can be equally helpful. They have the same dosage, are used the same way, have the same effects and methods of administration, and strength. They come complete with similar side effects and risks as the original drug too. (For example, a Paracetamol would be a generic drug for Crocin)

Virtual stores come with such know-how, stock up on such variety and their extensive options allow one to choose and buy such generic medicines online or more specific ones that you may need.

Okay, you’ve got me Interested. Where do I start?

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If you’ve got a smartphone, you can download an app. don’t worry if you haven’t got one. If you’ve got access to a computer, that is fine too. Most of them provide such user-friendly features. You may have to sign up, register and then log in for a safe and secure access, though.

A login feature would ensure that your transactions are private. More importantly, your order, tracking and notification options can be tailored to your needs. Say, you want to order on behalf of your aging parents who live elsewhere. Using the option to order medicines online for them is a great way to do show you care for their health, despite the miles.

Are you Still Thinking- “Am I Ready for the Plunge?”

Buying medicines online in India is a concept that comes with its fair share of concerns, and the people behind Zigy understand that medicines cannot be equated to other commodities. So the team takes special care to ensure genuine, trustworthy medicines that are subject to a lot of examinations before putting them on the shelves for sale. That the role of medications cannot be trivialized, and that more and more people are exploring other therapies and means of cure.

The team has taken but a small step in offering a carefully selected set of health care products and medicines online on the continually growing and working towards becoming a one-stop healthcare store.