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Your mental health matters just as much as your physical health. In fact, the two tend to work in tandem. When you have physical health issues, you go to your physician expecting to receive high-quality care. When a mental health issue arises, you should also expect to receive the best treatment from health and mental health care professionals. Receiving proper health care is crucial for both your body and your mind since it alleviates stress and other symptoms of psychiatric issues that tend to physically manifest throughout our bodies and put our health in jeopardy. The following are three ways that quality healthcare helps your mind.


A Different and Positive Perspective

Quality healthcare professionals offer different and often positive perspectives for clients. Professionals who are familiar with the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy model can help you assess your cognitive and emotional processing and behavioral responses to difficult situations. Essentially, CBT allows you to change negative and irrational responses into more true-to-reality and positive responses. Sometimes, we just need that outside perspective to show us that our way of thinking about and responding to a situation is not as healthy for us as it could be.


Emotional Support and Team Building

Healthcare and mental health care professionals are an important component of your emotional support team, which you can build as you go through treatment. Psychiatric nurses and doctors tend to have specialized knowledge in the field of mental health but are also trained to assess and address the physical symptoms you experience as well. A psychiatric/mental health nurse has to at least hold an LPN degree, although some get their BSN from accredited four-year colleges and universities, and even their masters of nursing online or on campus. Their advanced knowledge and experience can be helpful in establishing your mental health care regimen and how you meet your mental health goals.

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Availability of Multiple Types of Treatment

Finally, it is important to know that there are many different types of treatment available. Oftentimes, those of us with psychiatric issues also have physical issues that correlate with our mental health, so we tend to seek healthcare from Primary Care Physicians and specialists in addition to outpatient counseling or even inpatient care. There are different styles that counselors practice, although the CBT model is one of the most widely-used since it has shown to be effective for people with a vast array of mental health issues.


Roughly 59% of Americans with mental health concerns do not seek treatment. Factors in this range from not feeling comfortable with seeking help to not having access to resources. There is no shame in seeking help from highly-qualified healthcare and mental healthcare professionals. Your mind and body might just thank you for it.