using p90x ab ripper to get a great core

What is P90X Ab Ripper X and How Does It Work?

Are you familiar with P90X? Do you know what are the exercises included in this workout and how they work? Many fitness experts and health professionals have designed their own workouts composed of different moves or exercises, which target specific fitness goals. One of these workout program that begin to be recognized globally by countless health conscious individuals is the P90X. Get more information about it and see how it can help you achieve your body transformation goals.

An Introduction to P90X

This workout is also known as “Ab Ripper X which comes in a 12-set workout DVD. It has been developed by the BeachBody led by Tony Horton, a master fitness instructor. This workout is composed of eleven different moves and exercises which aims to give a desirable body figure after ninety days. In addition to this, you get a separate 15-minute workout for the abs to complete the fitness regimen. It takes 25 repetitions for each exercise in very quick succession.

Who Can Try Ab Ripper X?

By looking at and understanding how each exercise works, and as Flex Master General is quick to point out, you can figure out that this is not for beginners. All moves need a great deal of core strength and endurance.  When performing this workout, make sure that your body is well-prepared as you are going to burn a huge amount of calories and body fat.

The moves incorporated in P90X workout are related to yoga, Pilates and strength training. If you go to the gym frequently, you might be familiar with all these exercises since they come in fancy names. To follow the routine of this Ab Ripper X, you have to do three workout sessions on a weekly basis in order to achieve those sexy six-pack abs. Here are some of the moves that you can find in this intense workout program:

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Seated Bicycle: It works just like how you ride on a bicycle with your arms stretched upward.

Crunchy Frog: To do this, stretch your arms on either sides or you can try to reach the ceiling while your legs are parallel and extended to the floor.

Pulse Up: For this move, you simply have to sit while both legs are raised over the hip level. It involves rolling of your hips and lowering back down. You should maintain the position of your legs until all sets are completed.

Leg Climb: Staying on your back, bend your knees with your feet open apart. Then, lift the right leg and then, raise your arms up reaching your right leg.

Mason Twist: For this exercise, you have to start sitting on the floor and bend your knees with feet planted apart. It involves a more complicated position so it is important to follow the detailed instructions carefully.

Other moves that will complete this workout include in and out, hip rock n’ raise, wide leg sit-ups, fifer scissor, roll-up and V-up combo, and oblique V-up. Every exercise is connected to one another so make sure you are able to perform each correctly. Your position for each move will define your success in obtaining the body figure you have always dreamed of.


Learn more about other moves or exercises included in this workout along with the complete details of the positions you should do. P90X will be an effective solution to transform your body if you consider every detail provided in the program. Do not forget to perform warm ups before starting each move to avoid injuries. For additional information about the program, you can try surfing the web for reviews and see what other people have to say regarding their experience.

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