
Brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash on a daily basis can sometimes feel like a hassle. Some people wonder, if I don’t floss that often or only brush once a day, it can’t be that big of a deal can it? What many people don’t realize is that failing to keep up with oral hygiene means much more than just an unpleasant visit at the dentist. It can affect your health in a much more significant way.

Cardiovascular Disease

One of the most worrisome problems that can arise from poor dental health is a highly increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Bacteria and inflammation from your gums can enter your bloodstream and travel to your heart, resulting in a hardening of your arteries. This in turn can cause a lessening of the blood flowing into and out of your heart, which increases the risk of both strokes and heart attacks.

Early Onset Dementia

Bacteria from gingivitis can flow not only to the heart, but also up to your head through either nerve channels or the bloodstream, which could lead to the development of Alzheimer’s disease at an early age.

Complications with Diabetes

Inflamed gum tissues, which lead to periodontal disease, can make it harder to control your blood sugar. This can make it complicated for anyone with type one or type two diabetes and can make symptoms worse. Diabetics are more prone to periodontal disease, which makes good oral hygiene even more important.

Respiratory Infections

Gum diseases can cause infections to get into your lungs, including some as severe as pneumonia. While it can be hard to realize the underlying cause of the infection at first, this is what happens when you are continuously breathing in bacteria from infected teeth and gums over a long period of time. Taking care of your oral health can help you avoid respiratory and other infections that negatively impact your health.

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Combatting Gum Disease

Fortunately, it’s relatively simple to prevent these complications from happening. First, choose the right type of toothbrush to suit your teeth. Then, make sure to select a toothpaste that contains fluoride and tartar control. The experts at Guerra Colorado Springs dentistry suggest brushing twice a day, flossing regularly, limiting sugar in our diets, and replacing your toothbrush every three months. Using mouthwash is a good way to limit bacteria, prevent against cavities and freshen your breath.