Numerous studies have established that shilajit, or mumijo is rich in bioactives helpful to human physiological functions. Fulvic acid is one of those substances which is known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and energy-boosting qualities. You can source this in humus based sources, but it is also chiefly found in shilajit. If this is the case, why bother with shilajit based humics when you can get them primarily from other cheaper sources?

When plants decompose, the organic components become part of the soil in a process called humification. It is like a cycle where all things go back to the earth. These natural compounds are broken further into elements and nutrients that make up humus. humus provides nutrients for plants to thrive. Humic substances can be found in humus and are essential for healthy plant growth.

What is Shilajit Fulvic Acid?

Although the bioactives can be sourced from soils, you can also find it in shilajit. Humus comprises most of mumijo but what makes it stand out is the quality of the bioactives inside. Shilajit is not soil-based but mostly a product of thousands, even millions of years of organic humification of plant and animal metabolites. Certain plant species may be responsible for its quality as well. They are sourced in the high mountains ranges of Asia, as opposed to the ones which you can find in the soils in your backyard.

Research about fulvic acids effect to our bodies is limited, but some of its components have been studied, particularly the dibenzo-a-pyrones and the humic substances.

Use and Effectiveness

What does fulvic acid do for the body?

For millennia, ancient doctors under the Ayurveda based healing system have been using shilajit indirectly sourcing their much-needed supply of fulvic acid from it. Anecdotal reports and the Indian Materia Medica all testify to the same thing: mumijo promotes overall well-being and enhances many aspects of physical performance. It can be gleaned on that the substance may be responsible for these health benefits. The following are just some of the many benefits of the substance to human physiology.

  • Nutrient Transport. Research does suggest that fulvic acid acts as an efficient delivery mechanism for nutrients and assists in the utilization of these nutrients by the body. The substances’ ability to effectively transport nutrients may also be a useful function in the world of pharmaceuticals.
  • Exercise. Fulvic aid supplementation is well-recognized in sports nutrition as a way to mitigate electrolyte loss. It may also reduce lactic acid, a by-product of anaerobic exercise, and carbon dioxide from aerobic exercise. The buildup of lactic acid reduces performance and accelerates fatigue. The usual remedy is to take a break and catch one’s breath. Introducing fulvic acid into the diet may help lower the adverse effects of exercise, enabling sportspeople to do more with their workouts.
  • Antioxidant Activity. Scientific research supports the foundation that fulvic acid is a powerful antioxidant, thereby lessening the effects of oxidative stress. There are documentations as well, where supplementation aided the absorption and recycling of nutrient antioxidants in the body. Not only is it helpful in combating the effects of cellular and DNA damage, but antioxidants also bolster immune response as well.
  • Creatine Replacement. Fulvic acid may be considered a creatine replacement as evidence showed it could help with muscle building by attenuating ECM (extracellular matrix) response and elevating significant protein levels responsible for muscle building. It also does not pose any severe side effects compared to creatine.
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Side Effect and Safety

High-quality sources should not pose any serious safety concerns. Often, it is not the humic acids that pose a threat to one’s health but rather the quality of shilajit. Raw mumijo is heavy with dangerous metals, so purification is essential. In fact, reports indicate that only a purified version of the substance possesses many of its known healthful properties. Unfortunately, the lax regulatory environment surrounding health supplements makes it easy for sellers to market poorly manufactured products. It is therefore imperative that you get yours from reputable sources that provide certifications for heavy metals and have independent lab results on safety.


250mg up to 500mg is the recommended dosing range for mumijo based products. However, dosing is mostly affected by activity level and weight.

What is Shilajit Fulvic Acid Complex

When you browse Amazon for products containing fulvic acid, you often see those with 40% up to 60% acid complexes. This means that the fulvic content has been standardized, or spiked increasing the levels. This may sound like a good thing, but largely a marketing ploy. Humic substances are heavily influenced by the quality of the source. And so quantity here might not mean better in terms of potency or efficacy. What makes the shilajit more potent is the fact that it is not soil-based. Instead, mumijo is a by-product of vegetation and animal metabolites, giving rise to ashless humic acids that are more robust, potent and higher in efficacy than those sourced from mere soil samples.

You might be tempted purchasing fulvic acid complexes online, but a deeper understanding of what it is and where it is sourced is critical. Knowing the source is vital when it comes to humic substances, and only those from that is based on genuine shilajit will offer most of the health benefits.

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