The 5 Best Methods for Treating Arthritis

Arthritis is a painful condition that over 20 percent of adults will develop at some point in their life. Read ahead for a look at five of the best methods for treating this inflammatory joint disease.

Weight Loss

Patients with arthritis often have a hard time losing weight due to pain and inflammation around their joints, but every pound of fat that is lost will reduce the amount of pressure on your joints by four pounds. Those who would like to know more about their exercise options should speak with an experienced Boise orthopedic care specialist like those at Tadje Orthopaedics to see which movements will be safe and effective.

Physical Therapy

Patients who avoid moving their arthritic joints will only make this condition worse. Unfortunately, not many people know how to stretch out their muscles and ligaments when they are in pain. A physical therapist can help you come up with a comprehensive stretching and muscle strengthening routine to improve blood flow, reduce inflammation, and increase your range of motion.


Some of the most common forms of arthritis medication include celecoxib, adalimumab, and methotrexate. Most of these are taken to reduce inflammation, dull pain, and protect joints. Even though arthritis medication is quite safe, patients should first speak with their doctor before taking any new drugs. These products can negatively interact with other medicine that the patient is taking and potentially damage their organs.


When oral medication no longer relieves the symptoms of arthritis, most specialists will begin considering injections. Injections are typically the last option before the patient will need surgery on their joints. Most injections are comprised of corticosteroids, hyaluronic acid, or a mixture of these two substances. Your doctor might also suggest a treatment known as arthrocentesis. During this procedure, extra fluid will be removed from the patient’s joints before the other injections are carried out.

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Surgery is the last resort for patients with arthritis, and most surgeons will not suggest it until all other options have been exhausted. The type of surgery that is carried out will depend on the severity of the patient’s arthritis and which joints have become damaged. Some of the most common surgical options include joint replacement, joint fusion, and osteotomy. An osteotomy involves the realignment of a joint if the damage is minimal.
Before deciding on a treatment plan, all patients should speak with a joint specialist so that they better understand the pros and cons of each option.