Wheatgrass is one of the best superfoods for your health. It is added to smoothies mostly because of its sharp taste and bright green color. Though a lot of research is still being conducted about the plant, you can get a lot of vitamins and minerals by adding wheatgrass daily to your diet. You can buy wheatgrass shots, buy wheatgrass supplements in the form of tablets or mix in your own home-grown wheatgrass. Irrespective of how you take it, you do get a lot of nutritional boost from this small plant.

How can you add wheatgrass to your daily diet?

When it comes to adding wheatgrass to your diet, you will find many coffee and juice bars offering you wheatgrass shots. They offer you small amounts of concentrated fresh wheatgrass. They are generally 2 to 3 ounces so you can easily drink them straight or add them to your smoothies. The juice of wheatgrass is generally bitter, so it is added to fruit drinks that are sweet.

Make your own wheatgrass drink

If you intend to add wheatgrass to your diet daily, you can always mix your own wheatgrass with sweet fruits to make a delicious smoothie. You have the option of buying tender wheatgrass or growing bamboo shoots. Blend the wheatgrass in a blender designed for wheatgrass. This helps the shoots to mix well and not clog the blender. Once done, strain the wheatgrass thorough a good mesh strainer and keep the juice in the refrigerator.

Suggested wheatgrass drinks

You can mix the wheatgrass with the juice of a carrot, pineapple, apple or mint. When you are blending the wheatgrass, put the plant in the blender first and later add in the fruits. If you wish to make wheatgrass juice, two celery stalks, two cucumbers, and half cup parsley. Cut these vegetables into small chunks. First put the wheatgrass into the blender first and later add the vegetables. Later add the vegetables and water as required.

Use wheatgrass powder

Buy wheatgrass powder from a natural food shop. You will find both wheatgrass juice and powder available for good health. In case, you wish to buy wheatgrass powder for good health, buy a powder that has been made from wheatgrass juice over grounded wheatgrass. You will find your body absorbs the wheatgrass better when processed. Place the powder inside the blender with both sweeteners and the liquids of your choice. Blend all the ingredients till it is smooth. For making a sweet wheatgrass drink, you should blend a half scoop of wheatgrass powder, two cups of frozen or fresh pineapple and one frozen banana. Add about one to two cups of coconut water and one teaspoon of spirulina.

Take wheatgrass tablets

In case you do not have the time to make a wheatgrass drink, you can take wheatgrass tablets. These wheatgrass supplements contain the powder of wheatgrass. There are again some wheatgrass tablets that have rice powder to help them bind the ingredients together in the tablet. So, when you are buying wheatgrass in the market, read the composition of the tablet first. As for the dose, you can read the instructions given to you in the bottle. Wheatgrass tablets are taken with juice and water.

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Use wheatgrass in salads

You can also eat wheatgrass in salads. You can add fresh wheatgrass shoots to the salad greens that you eat. However, when you eat wheatgrass know they are harder for you to digest than the powder or the juice. You have the option of mixing the juice of the wheatgrass into a salad dressing or even sprinkle the powder of the wheatgrass on to your salad. When you combine the juice of the wheatgrass with the juice of fruit and oils to make a salad dressing that is unique.

Add wheatgrass to baked recipes

If you like baked recipes, you can stir wheatgrass into your baked recipes. Remember when you add the wheatgrass into these recipes, the baked items turn green. Make sure you use the wheatgrass in recipes where the color does not change.  You can also use the wheatgrass in waffles, biscuits, pancakes. You can bake wheatgrass cupcakes and use bright colors as frosting to complement the green color of cupcakes.

Make sure you have realistic expectations

When you consume wheatgrass, it is a superfood that makes you believe that it is one of the best things you can eat. Wheatgrass is very rich in nutrients like other vegetables like spinach and broccoli. When you buy wheatgrass products, use the ones that claim to have a lot of health benefits without studies to back the claim. You should check the company without buying the product.  Experts from leading wheatgrass company Pines International Wheat Grass say that when you buy wheatgrass from online or local stores, make sure the product is genuine. Read customer reviews online and check the websites of the brand you are interested in buying. A good brand will give you competitive rates in the market. Rely on them for your health needs.

Wheatgrass is rich in vitamins

Wheatgrass is rich in vitamins, and you can add it to other vegetables. The wheatgrass helps you to increase your vitamin consumption.  It contains vitamins A, C and E. Wheatgrass is rich in iron however it does not fall under any of the recommended vegetables that doctors instruct you for health. Wheatgrass contains a lot of magnesium and calcium that is good for the health of your bones.

Wheatgrass is great for inflammation

Wheatgrass helps you to get relief from inflammation of the colon. There is a lot of research being conducted in the field however scientists say that wheatgrass has the ability to reduce inflammation of the colon. In case, you suffer from inflammation of the colon, speak to your doctor and add wheatgrass to your medical treatment plan.

Discover the major health benefits of wheatgrass

Why should you include wheatgrass in your diet? If you closely examine wheatgrass, you will find it is bright green in color. This green color comes from a colored pigment called chlorophyll. This pigment increases the levels of magnesium and oxygen in the bloodstream. The human body does not produce chlorophyll, and this is why you should obtain it from external sources like wheatgrass chlorophyll. There is some evidence where it has been proved that chlorophyll increases the levels of energy and curbs mountain sickness. However, more research is still being conducted in the field to prove the above.

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What does wheatgrass contain?

Wheatgrass is a rich source of vitamins A, C, and E. It is a storehouse of several minerals and vitamins. You also will find it rich in iron, calcium, amino acids and magnesium. Out of the 17 amino acids, you will find 8 of them are essential. This means the human body cannot produce it, so it has to be derived from external sources like food or health supplements. The Chlorophyll that you find in wheatgrass contains antioxidants like glutathione and vitamins E and C. These antioxidants have the primary function to fight free radicals so that damage to cells is prevented. Oxidative stress in the body is reduced when you take antioxidants on a regular basis. Antioxidants make your immune system strong, and you are able to fight cancer, arthritis, heart diseases and other neurodegenerative diseases in the body.

Helps to remove toxins from the body

If you drink wheatgrass in your smoothies, you are able to remove toxins from the human body easily. You are able to get rid of several impurities in the human body. The chlorophyll in wheatgrass cleanses the body and promotes good liver functions. When you have a cleansed body, you will find a high increase in the energy levels of the body.

Aid digestion with wheatgrass

Wheatgrass helps you to aid digestion. You will find many enzymes in wheatgrass that help you to break down the food you eat and absorb the nutrients you need for your body. You can effectively detox with wheatgrass that results in lesser bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation and other issues related to digestion.

Boost your metabolism

In case you have metabolism issues, consider adding wheatgrass to your diet. Wheatgrass helps you to lose weight and boost your metabolic levels. It is very low in calories and has zero fat. Since it is a dense food, it helps you to stay fuller for longer periods.

Reduce cholesterol with wheatgrass

Wheatgrass helps you to reduce cholesterol in the body. When you reduce cholesterol in the body, you can lose weight easily. This reduces your risk of developing heart diseases now and in the future.

Last but not the least wheatgrass has the ability to boost your immune system. It helps you to ward off infection easily. You will feel better with your immune system performing better. Even if you do fall ill, if you have a strong immune system, you will recover fast. Wheatgrass gives you energy, and it is a great addition to your daily diet for fitness and good health with success!