Motherhood is one of the best feelings in every woman’s life. People have exaggerated the labor process and risks that come in pregnancy. In reality, nothing can feel better than giving birth to another human. Every woman has prescribed some special supplements and advice from the elders and surroundings never ends.

The first thing that every woman is asked to keep in good condition is health. If you have conceived, you must be surprised to experience several mood and behavioral changes. Keep all those things aside and make sure your nutrient supply is right. Bulk nutrients are not effective, but you must know the essential nutrients and the amount you need them in.

You must have heard the famous saying that excess of everything is wrong. No wonder you must have different cravings and hunger level reaches the peak. You must know that satisfying all kinds of cravings is good, but eating often can lead to health risks for you and the baby.

Here is a list of some essential nutrients that you must know to pass the gestation period healthily. The health of you and the baby is assured if your nutrient intake is proper.

  1. Iron 

Iron deficiency means lesser blood supply in the body. If the iron supply is low, it may result badly for the baby in terms of development. Ironwork with different nutrients like potassium and sodium to improve blood supply. Iron deficiency can reduce the oxygen supply in you and your baby.

You can obtain ion from citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, eggs, dried fruits, and meat. During gestation, your body needs 27 mg of iron daily.

  1. Protein 

Proteins are the building blocks of the human body. They are responsible for the development of fetal tissues. If you lack protein, your baby may have developmental problems and reduced growth.

Eggs, bean, meat, and nuts are the significant sources of protein. Seventy-one grams of protein every day ensure all benefits.

  1. Vitamin A

Vitamin plays a major role in bone growth, eyesight, and skin health. Keeping the vitamin A count in check assures better growth of the baby’s bones, better vision, and healthier skin.

Sweet potatoes, dark leafy vegetables, and carrots are high in vitamin A. You need 770 micro grams of this vitamin every day during pregnancy.

  1. Vitamin C
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Keep the vitamin C count under control if you wish to have stronger bones, teeth, and gums for your baby. It helps in iron absorption. During pregnancy, you need 85 milligrams every day. The major sources are citrus fruits and berries.

  1. Vitamin D

Everybody knows that vitamin D absorbs calcium which ensures stronger bones. You need 600 International Units of vitamin D every day during pregnancy. If your vitamin D supply is maintained, your baby’s bone growth is maintained.

Sun is the best source of vitamin D, but you must sit under the sun during sunrise.

  1. Calcium 

Calcium not only helps in bone formation but is also plays a pivotal role in the circulatory and nervous system. It helps in the transmission of impulses and muscular movement. Keeping the calcium intake right during pregnancy assures a better circulatory and nervous system.

A pregnant adult needs 1000 milligrams daily, and pregnant teenagers need 1300 milligrams every day. Yogurt, milk, calcium-fortified juices and cereals, broccoli, and kale are the major sources of calcium.

  1. Fol ate or Folic Acid 

Fol-ate prevents abnormalities of the brain and spinal cord. Neural tube defects are also prevented if the fol ate intake is good. Pregnant women need 400 to 1000 micro grams of fol ate every day. It is a type of vitamin B, and its major sources are citrus fruits, dried beans, peas, and green leafy vegetables.

  1. Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)

It is an essential omega-3 fatty acid. It helps to reduce the risk of heart diseases in the mother in later life. The baby’s vision and brain development are benefited from this nutrient.

A pregnant woman needs 300 micro grams daily. The major sources of DHA are fish and eggs.

Weight Gain Is Harmful During Pregnancy 

One of the most common misconceptions regarding pregnancy is weight gain. You must have heard that fatter women have problems during pregnancy and labor. This is not true. If a woman has excessive fat in the body, that might indicate risk. If a woman has gained weight after conceiving, that does not mean she has to face complications. Different researches have shown that gaining weight between 10 to 30 pounds is acceptable for a single baby. If the mother is obese, she is allowed to gain only ten extra pounds.

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Do not stop yourself from eating or follow a diet plan because of this misconception. It is better to talk to your doctor before taking any step. He or she can prescribe a better diet plan.

Things that You Must Avoid During Pregnancy 

Pregnancy is a beautiful yet crucial phase of life. You must take good care of yourself and have a healthy diet. There are certain things that you must avoid during pregnancy. Three things have been discussed that are not good for you and the baby.

  • Alcohol 

Alcohol is not good for health. When it comes to pregnant women, the restrictions increase. You cannot drink alcohol when you are pregnant. Any beer, liquor, malt beverages, and wine are hazardous for the baby. Even moderate drinking causes behavioral or developmental problems for the baby. Mental deformation and other disabilities are possible. Do not drink during gestation.

  • Caffeine

Caffeine is not as harmful as alcohol, but it has side effects on the baby. According to different studies, 16 ounces of caffeine is acceptable to have during pregnancy. Do not increase the intake because it can affect the growth and development of your baby.

  • Fish

Fish is the best source of protein, but gestation comes with restrictions in it as well. You have to avoid certain fish like sharks, king mackerel, tile fish, and swordfish. They have a high amount of mercury that prohibits growth and also affects the development of the baby.

The Final Verdict 

Pregnancy is an enjoyable phase. You get several memories but never compromise on the diet. You have to take good care of two lives at once. If your nutrient intake is compromised, your baby has to suffer the side effects. Make sure you consult your doctor and keep the nutrient count in check.

The above-mentioned nutrients are most essential. Any ups and downs in their count can result badly. If you crave for unusual things like clay, cigarette ash, and starch, you may have a nutrient deficiency. This condition is called pica, and the doctor can tell you the right thing to do here.