A pregnancy is not just the most joyful time of your life, but also the most uncomfortable one. You know that you are supposed to keep calm and relax. You also know that you suddenly gain a series of “rights”. However, no matter how easy it is to relax, there is something that can take this pleasure away – the actual discomfort. As the pregnancy evolves, the additional weight can cause plenty of discomfort. Pains and pressure kick in too, especially while trying to relax. You wake up in the middle of the night because of these problems, but you also wake up in a stiff position.

This is when the pregnancy pillow kicks in. It takes pain, stress, pressure and discomfort away, but it also supports you after you give birth. However, with such an impressive variety on the market, how do you make the right choice?



Do not buy a pregnancy pillow only because it has many positive reviews. Instead, think about the pain first. What does it really hurt? Whether you experience pains around the shoulders or the back, choose a pillow in the right design. Consider your sleeping style as well. After five months, most specialists recommend sleeping on the left side. Try it for a few nights and figure what causes discomfort. This way, you can choose a design to help you maintain the ideal position.


Flexibility is often overlooked in pregnancy pillows. Think about your necessities, since this is a matter of personal choice. If you are the type who never changes the sleeping position overnight, you can get along with a short maternity pillow. After all, you do not need too many features. On the other hand, a pregnancy pillow for more sleeping positions must be longer. Long pillows add to the overall flexibility.

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The largest pregnancy pillow is not necessarily the best one, even if it is the most expensive unit. While you do get what you pay for, sizing has nothing to do with this rule. Once again, do not let yourself influenced by others’ reviews and testimonials. Some women just want a small wedge on the side, only to place it under the tummy and keep it at the same level with the spine. Some others get along better with those large models that can support their entire bodies – from legs and thighs to shoulders and back. The U shaped pillow is by far the largest unit in commerce.


It is easy to realize that materials must be comfortable, soft and adjustable. A detachable cover is a must, only to keep the pillow clean. While most women never consider this idea, pay attention to the filling as well. What is it made of? Opt for organic materials and stay away from allergens, even if your body is strong. You inevitably become more sensitive during the pregnancy, so stay healthy.

In conclusion, pregnancy pillows might look a bit overwhelming at first, but researching your options and respecting these tips will make this choice way easier.