Get A Fair Skin
Home Remedies To Get A Fair Skin

Many natural products can do wonders on your skin. These Home Remedies can save lot of money over the course of a few months.  Most of the products found in the market today target people who are searching for remedies to cure skin problems and get a fair and glowing skin. This article will educate the readers with the home remedies, healthy diet and essential tips that should be incorporated in your daily routine. Here are some of the home remedies that would nourish your skin with all the vitamins it need.

Gram flour: It works as a magic in improving your skin complexion. Take a tablespoon full of gram flour and mix it with fresh milk. Apply it as a thick paste. Leave it for twenty minutes. Wash off with cold water. Applying this mix daily as a face pack can improve your skin complexion within few months.

Orange juice: Squeeze an orange and extract the juice. Apply it over your skin. This is an effective remedy to enhance skin complexion.

Banana: Mash a banana and use it as a scrub to treat your skin. Scrubbing your skin can remove the dead skin cells over your skin and gives you an instant fairness look.

Gram flour, rosewater and yogurt: Make a thick paste of gram flour, rosewater and yogurt. Apply it as a mask. It not only improves your skin complexion but also removes dirt from accumulated on your body.

Strawberries: Strawberries and cream face pack works well. Ellagic acids in strawberries act as an antioxidant and protect skin from damaging UV rays from the sun.

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Healthy diet:

  • Include lots of vitamin in your diet.
  • Vitamin C rich Mausami, spinach, nutritious wholegrain food, milk, carrots, lettuce salad, almonds, nuts, tomato, cucumber are some of the essential foods to be included.
  • Fruits like raspberry, strawberry are rich in Vitamin C and ellagic acid. It can add some extra glow to your rosy cheeks.
  • Avocados are a great source of vitamins C, D and E. They are a good source of potassium, copper, minerals and iron. Include them as well.

Tips to be followed:

  • Apply a sunscreen lotion with an SPF (sun protecting factor) of 40+ before you go out.
  • Use scarf to cover your face.
  • Remove your make up before you sleep. Apply a good moisturizer.
  • Use good quality make up products and dispose them after they expire.
  • Don’t forget to apply a sun block when you are at home.
  • Drink lots of water, around ten to twelve glasses a day.

Even though market is flooded with products claiming to resolve every skin problems, majority of them are chemical based which might affect your skin in the long run. Our nature has given us some best solutions that enhance the beauty of our skin. They are inexpensive and these herbal remedies have no side effects.