How Dental Hygiene and Physical Fitness Benefit Each OtherThere is more of a link between oral health and overall health than many people realize. One can seriously affect the other and vice versa. The state of your mouth can also be an indicator of serious underlying health issues, so problems should not go unaddressed. However, simple physical fitness goes a long way towards having a healthy mouth. This guide will go over the fascinating link between dental hygiene and physical fitness.

Risk of Heart Disease and Stroke Is Lessened

Physical fitness and exercise keep your blood pressure at a healthy level and reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks. Because dental health has also been linked to an increased risk of heart disease or stroke, practicing a good exercise routine and keeping your teeth clean will work in tandem to reduce your risk of these life-threatening conditions.

Specifically, the connection between dental hygiene and circulatory system problems stems from bacteria. When bacteria is allowed to build up in your mouth, it can get into your bloodstream and make heart attacks and strokes much more likely. Other infections, which can also be a significant problem, will be examined in further detail below.

There Is a Correlation between Obesity and Poor Oral Health

Obesity increases the likelihood of developing diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, which generally result in worse oral health. Scientists have proven a strong link between obesity and increased incidences of periodontal disease. Fitness keeps your weight under control and makes these conditions less likely to occur. This might have to do with overweight people needing to breathe through their mouths more often, which dries out the mouth and allows more bacteria to grow there. Keeping fit will help prevent these conditions from wreaking havoc on your beautiful smile and your overall health.

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Osteoporosis Weakens Bone in the Mouth

Because bones are what hold your teeth in place and keep your jaw strong, it should come as no surprise that osteoporosis can have a negative impact on the bones that support your teeth as well as bones in the rest of your body. Exercise comes into the picture because staying fit has been shown to lessen the effects and delay the onset of osteoporosis as you age. Keeping your teeth clean also reduces the risk of developing gum disease which eventually will lead to jaw bone loss if left untreated. It is for these reasons that bone health in your jaw is linked to keeping the rest of your body physically fit.


Many dental problems are caused by too much bad bacteria being allowed to build up within the mouth. If left untreated, these infections can spread to other areas of your body and become a serious health concern. Any infection has the ability to spread to the rest of your body. Good oral hygiene can keep bacteria from building up in the mouth and therefore in the rest of the body too.

There is evidence to suggest that regular exercise helps prevent gum disease, meaning exercise is indirectly linked to preventing infections as a whole. If your teeth have been ruined or severely damaged due to bacteria buildup, looking into veneers in Burnsville MN can be a quick and less expensive way to restore your smile.

If you are a serious exerciser, be sure to remain hydrated. As stated earlier, a consistently dry mouth makes it much easier for bacteria to grow there. This will accelerate tooth decay and the onset of gum disease. Also try to avoid sugary sports drinks, as foods high in sugar will also rot teeth faster. Forgo them for regular water instead. Understand the link between good dental hygiene and physical fitness and practice both. You will be glad you did.

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