Managing your diabetes is a daily challenge, all year round. However, the efforts are worth as your health condition will improve. It also reduces your susceptibility to diabetic risks like kidney failure, stroke, blindness, and heart attack.

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The key to controlling diabetes is ensuring your blood sugar level is almost if not standard. Yes, it sounds harsh. But don’t give up. Together with your doctor, you can manage diabetes by focusing on these areas.

  1. Spot Check Your Body Sugar Levels

When controlling diabetes, it’s not about the condition but your life. Therefore, you want to be sober in your approach towards the disease. The best way to do this is by being on top of your blood sugar levels.

The best way to do this is by visiting the Vitalis Family Medical Centre for a scheduled blood sugar test. But that’s not all; you can add an extra check on top. Say during lunch or breakfast one day. It’s like popping in unannounced.

Doing a spot check on your sugar levels gives you an idea about your medical condition. Use this to adjust your lifestyle habits.

  1. Eat Healthily

Eating healthy food is a must for a diabetic person. Remember, what you eat affects your blood sugar. But don’t fall for the lie that certain foods are strictly-off the limits.

Instead, you should focus on eating the right amount of food. Further, ensure your diet is full of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Opt for lean meat and nonfat dairy products.

If possible, limit the foods that are rich in fat and sugar. Don’t forget, the carbohydrate which you consume turns to sugar. Therefore, watch your carb intake.

  1. Count Carbs
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The carbs you eat can cause imbalances in your blood sugar levels. That’s why you need to watch what you eat.

In most cases, ladies need a maximum of 45grams of carb in a meal. Guys require up to 60 grams of carb in a meal. Don’t forget, a single cup of pasta rice gives about 45 grams of carb in a meal.

Be sure to pair the carbs you eat with proteins. If possible, go for high-fiber carbs. The two will slow down digestion, ensuring you’re full without causing a spike in blood sugar.

But that’s not all! Fiber also clears out cholesterol that might be building in your blood vessels.

  1. Exercise Regularly

Exercising presents a great way to reduce your blood sugar. However, the effects wear out within days after stopping. Therefore, make it a habit to exercise on a daily or weekly basis.

Your target should be exercising for 150 hours every week. You can break this down to manageable levels, like 30 minutes in a day, for five days.

However, this doesn’t mean you become a gym maniac. No! You can walk, run, swim, or bike. Consult your doctors at Medical Centre Sutherland Shire about an exercising plan before you start.

Remember, exercising produces chemicals like endorphins, which boost your mood.

  1. Get Medical Checkups

Visit Vitalis Family Medical Centre for medical checkups at least twice a year. Diabetes increases your risk of heart disease. Therefore, your doctor should assess your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Have a full eye exam at least once a year to reduce the risks of blindness. A foot check will unearth conditions like nerve damage and foot ulcers. With these results, your doctors will advise on how best to deal with this condition.

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According to the American Diabetes Association, men who take alcohol shouldn’t do more than two. The maximum limit for women doing alcohol is one beer.

Anything above this makes your blood sugar to either go high or low. Be sure to check the blood sugar levels before you taste your beer. Take clear measures to prevent it from going extremely low.

  1. Be Calm

When stressed, your blood sugar spikes. The same happens when you’re anxious.

With this, you may not actively control your diabetes. You may forget to eat healthy, exercise, or take your medication. Don’t let this happen. Find different ways to manage stress, including doing yoga or participating in hobbies that are relaxing to you.


Being diabetic isn’t the end of life. Don’t let it be! With a few lifestyle changes and proper medical attention, you’ll be able to live happing for long with this condition.