Having a hip fracture can be a scary experience; it can also be debilitating and deadly. If you acquired a hip fracture from an accident or slip and fall and intend to make legal claims for personal injury, then you should consult with an attorney.

Meanwhile, you must also ensure that your hip fractures are given medical attention and treatment. However, there are still ways you can do remain living healthily even if you have hip fractures.

HipUnderstanding A Hip Fracture

Hip fractures refer to a break in a person’s thigh bone or femur on the hip joint. The joint areas are where the bones meet.

Further, the hip joint is the “ball and socket” joint where the ball is your thigh bone’s head, and the acetabulum or the the bowl-shaped structure in the pelvic bone.

A hip fracture is a severe injury that requires immediate medical intervention. Moreover, one or several breaks may transpire in a bone. A hip fracture can be classified depending on the area and type of break in the bone. Two common varieties of hip fracture are intertrochanteric hip fracture and femoral neck fracture.

Symptoms of hip fractures

The following are common symptoms of hip fracture. If you are experiencing the following symptoms, it is essential to consult with a health professional:

  • Difficulty, or inability of standing up or walking
  • Severe pain on the hip or groin area
  • Leg appears shorter on the injured side of the hip
  • One foot looks peculiar on the crippled side of the hip
  • Stiffness, swelling, or bruising on the hip area


In most cases, a hip fracture transpires after an accident or a slip and fall. If this happens, it needs a trip to the emergency room and getting medical treatment. Meanwhile, it is unusual for hip fractures with chronic and mild symptoms. In the event that you are concerned with pain in your hip area, consult your doctor.

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How To Live Healthy Even If You Have Hip Fractures

There are certain steps you can do to prevent hip fractures. However, if you have hip injuries, the recovery process may take a long time. Even if you have hip fractures, you can still live healthier amidst your injuries. Take note of these tips:

  1. Daily Exercise

Your hip bones will heal better when they are utilized. Maintain stability in your bones by gradually working on them. For instance, weight-bearing activities may stimulate your hip bones to heal. Just remember to do the exercise slowly and cautiously increase the quantity of weight you work on your hip.

  1. Vitamins and Minerals

Living healthy even when you have hip fractures involves a good diet. This includes consuming protein to expand muscle growth and strength. Also, take in sufficient amounts of vitamin D and calcium for your bones to obtain strength.

  • Calcium: You will need to consume around 1,200 milligrams of calcium per day. This is an equivalent of three daily rations of yogurt, milk, or other foods rich in calcium. Avoiding dairy products that have low calcium, which can be detrimental to your bones.
  • Vitamin D: On top of that, you need to consume around 700 potency units of vitamin D. This may be in the form of either fortified foods, supplements, or exposure to sunlight.
  1. Diet rich in fruits and vegetables

A diet rich in organic products increases the progress of your recovery. Likewise, lower body weight, and physical inactivity decreases your bone’s ability to heal.

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In another note, consuming soy foods, vegetables, and fruit prevents chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes. Likewise, consuming these organic products prevents osteoporotic hip fractures.

  1. Socialize

Staying at-home when you have hip fractures is not the answer, and it will not help you in the healing process. Get out of your house, and interact with people that matter to you. This allows you to have motivation to improve self-care. Engaging with your network allows you to feel better about yourself as they can help also motivate you to cope with your injuries.


Never feel bad for your hip fractures. The time for recovery may be long and challenging, but doing the right things to live healthy will help you recover easier. Exercise, eat a healthy diet, and maintain social relationships. These activities will recover not only your injuries, but also restore your physical and mental welfare. If your hip fracture was caused by someone else, you can click here for more information.



Irene Wall

Irene Wall has been writing about law for more than a decade. She writes pieces on various law topics that she hopes could help the common reader with their concerns. She enjoys playing basketball with her sons during her free time