Do you exercise regularly, but cannot achieve the desired result? High protein foods will help you become slimmer and stronger.

Protein powder, or protein powder, are food supplements that are made from various animal or vegetable protein sources, such as milk, eggs, soybeans, rice or peas.

Some powders contain added vitamins and minerals, especially calcium. In this way, the higher vitamin, protein and mineral requirements can be met in athletes.

Protein powder is primarily available in three forms: protein concentrate, protein isolate and protein hydrolysate.

  • Protein concentrate: For this powder, the protein is separated by heat and acid or enzymes. It is the easiest way to filter out protein. Protein concentrate contains about 60 to 80 percent protein. The remaining 20 to 40 percent of calories provide fat and carbohydrates.
  • Protein isolate: After the protein concentrate has been obtained, additional fat and carbohydrates are filtered out using another process. This allows the protein to be concentrated even further. Protein isolates contain about 90 to 95 percent protein.
  • Protein hydrolysate: This powder is a further processed isolate or concentrate. The amino acids are broken down so that the body can absorb the proteins even faster, and the muscles can process them faster.

The daily protein requirement can easily be met with protein-rich foods and a balanced diet. It can be beneficial for athletes to consume additional protein in a concentrated form.

Whey protein

Whey protein is made from milk and has numerous health benefits. Whey is created when the cheese is made from milk. The casein is separated and processed into cheese. The liquid whey remains. Whey contains a lot of protein, but also a lot of lactose, a milk sugar that triggers digestive problems in many people. Whey protein isolate contains less lactose.

Whey protein is a quickly digestible protein and rich in branched-chain amino acids (BCAA), such as the amino acid leucine. Leucine plays a crucial role in muscle growth and regeneration after strength and endurance training.

Amino acids are digested, absorbed by the blood and are then available for muscle protein synthesis, in which new proteins are formed in the muscle cells. Studies show that whey protein can help build and maintain muscle mass, help the body regenerate after exercise, and increase muscle strength.

In one study, whey protein increased muscle protein synthesis in young men by 31 percent more than soy protein and 132 percent more than casein. Another study, however, showed that postmenopausal women achieved similar success regardless of whether they received whey protein or a placebo powder.

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In people of normal weight, obesity, and obese weight who received whey protein, the overall body composition improved as it helped burn fat and created more lean mass.

Whey protein, like other types of protein, has been proven to curb appetite. In one study, slim men were given four different liquid protein meals on different days. In the whey test group, this reduced the appetite most, which resulted in fewer calories being consumed at the next meal.

Other studies show that whey protein can reduce inflammation. There is also evidence that in some cases, it can improve heart values in overweight and obese people.


Whey protein is quickly digestible, which leads to a rapid increase in amino acids, which can support muscle growth. Whey protein can suppress appetite and help burn fat.

Casein protein

When casein reacts with stomach acid, it turns into a gel, slowing gastric emptying. As a result, the amino acids are absorbed into the bloodstream more slowly, and the rate of protein breakdown in the muscles is reduced.

Compared to soy and wheat protein, casein increases muscle protein synthesis and muscle strength more effectively – but the greatest success is achieved with whey protein.

Another study looked at overweight men whose diet met 80 percent of their calorie needs. During the test, you did strength training sessions: some ingested casein protein, other whey protein. The casein test group achieved twice as good results: they burned more fat, gained more lean mass and improved their chest muscles more than the whey test group.


Casein is a slowly digestible whey protein that can slow muscle protein breakdown, promote muscle growth and increase fat burning with a general low-calorie diet.

Egg Protein

Eggs are one of the most famous sources of protein – and in fact, they contain the highest quality nutritional protein. Like all animal products, eggs are a complete source of protein. That means they contain all nine amino acids that the body cannot build itself.

Eggs are also one of the best appetite suppressants and keep you full for a long time. However, egg protein is usually only made from protein. While protein keeps you full for a long time, the feeling of fullness would be even longer if the egg yolk were also used.

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Egg protein contains almost as much leucine as whey protein. This amino acid is most important for muscle health. At the moment, there are not enough comparable studies on egg protein as on whey protein.

Casein and pea protein reduce appetite more than egg protein. Athletes who received either egg protein or a carbohydrate supplement had a similar increase in lean mass and muscle strength.

Egg protein is a good alternative for people who have a milk protein allergy but still want to eat animal protein. Due to their favorable composition, eggs can also be included in the diet to meet protein requirements. For example, try our delicious egg recipes.


Egg protein contains the highest quality food protein that is easy to digest. Eggs can lead to a long-lasting feeling of satiety.

Rice protein from brown rice

Compared to whey protein, rice protein has always been considered less effective for muscle growth. Even if the rice protein contains all essential amino acids, it does not have enough lysine to be considered a complete protein.

One study looked at the effectiveness of rice protein and whey protein in healthy young men. Forty-eight grams of rice protein or whey protein were taken daily for eight weeks. The result: body composition and muscle strength improved equally in both groups. However, there are generally not enough meaningful studies on rice protein.


Some studies show that rice protein can have a positive effect on body composition and muscle strength. However, it contains little of the essential amino acid lysine.


Protein powders can provide high-quality protein in a concentrated and practical form. Even if the protein requirement can be easily covered by food, athletes or people on a diet can use the protein powder. Because it has been shown to promote muscle growth and fat loss as well as feeling full.

When choosing the right protein powder, the individual goals should be considered, since different protein powders have a different effect. Whey protein is good for building muscle and losing weight, while casein only promotes weight loss. Vegetable proteins are best suited for vegetarians, vegans and people with food allergies.