healthy teeth

Basic Do’s and Don’ts

  1. The first step to setting out on your quest will require going for a dental examination to check the general health of your oral cavity.
  2. The teeth get yellowed due to stains forming on the enamel and colouring within the teeth structure. Beverages such as black tea, cola and also cigars are detrimental to your quest of developing white teeth – especially when they are taken late at night or before going to bed.
  3. Get rid of your toothbrush and buy a new one every two to three months. Using the same toothbrush for over three months will mean loading your mouth with germs that have accumulated over time on your old toothbrush. If you happen to lose track of when you purchased your toothbrush, the secret to knowing when to get a new one is to observe for a build-up of dental plaque – even after you brush thoroughly.
  4. Ensure you brush your teeth two times a day – the night before going to bed and in the morning, immediately after you wake up. If you don’t brush at night, the bacteria in your mouth can cause decay to your teeth before you wake up in the morning. Brushing before sleep is also a sure way of avoiding an unpleasant morning breath caused by bacteria that have settled on your tongue (‘tongue plaque’). Whilst brushing, the toothbrush should be placed at a 45-degree angle against the gums. Brush in circular movements to ensure you reach all the corners on the surface of the teeth.
  5. Eat healthily. To ensure a healthy oral condition, consume food that is fresh, organic and less of the synthetic and sugary types. You are what you eat after all.
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Teeth friendly foods

  1. Fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients and low in calories. They are excellent for keeping gums healthy, and the teeth white and strong. Carrots, apples and popcorn are known to help keep the teeth clean. Foods known as ‘detergent foods’ (for example, cauliflower) require a lot of chewing and are good for your The longer they take to break down, the better for your teeth.
    Saliva helps to keep the mouth clean and is known to help wash off food particles and keep stains at bay, whilst preventing the development of plaque. The more chewing that’s done, the more saliva is produced. Strawberries contain an enzyme known as malic acid, which helps to keep the teeth white.
  2. Dairy products such as cheese, milk and yogurts contain lactic acid and calcium (known for the development of strong bones and teeth). Eating cheese also helps to produce saliva, which in turn helps to keep the mouth clean (as mentioned above).

Natural Teeth Cleaning Agents

  1. Rinsing your mouth with apple cider vinegar helps to get rid of stains on your teeth. It whitens the teeth and kills bacteria in the mouth. It is often beneficial to rinse with the apple cider vinegar before or after brushing your teeth.
  2. Brushing with salt or baking soda is also known to help keep dental plaque away. Doing this at least once a week is a sure way of removing and curbing plaque build-up.
  3. Oil pulling is now becoming more Just as detergent works on dirty dishes, oil pulling works in a similar manner in detoxifying the mouth. It creates an antiseptic oral space, free of food particles, bacteria, plaque, and decay. Oil pulling encourages strong and healthy teeth and gums. Just apply some coconut oil over your teeth after brushing or pour a tablespoon full of coconut oil in your mouth and keep swishing it around for about 10-20 minutes.
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According to Dr. Axe, oil pulling has proven to be much more effective than flossing in keeping the mouth clean. The benefits of oil pulling include: healing of bleeding gums and cracked lips; boosts the immune system; prevents and heals tooth decay; prevents heart disease; strengthens the gums and jaw; soothes dry throat; and takes care of bad breath.

  1. Activated charcoal is another excellent agent that helps to pull toxins from the mouth. It also absorbs plaque and other teeth staining factors present in the mouth. Just apply over your teeth and leave for about 30 minutes to an hour.

It can also be used as an alternative to toothpaste at least three times a week to achieve the best results. Activated charcoal (which is a strong anti-poison agent) not only aids mouth detoxification, but also serves as a general body detoxifying agent.

The secret to long-term progress in any undertaking is consistency. Therefore, strive to develop good habits based on these tips and your dental health will be assured.