Alcohol does a lot of damage to the human body, especially if consumed regularly and over the long term. Even though health professionals have repeatedly warned against abusing the substance, it seems like people still have a hard time putting down the bottle to the point of becoming part of the increasing statistic of fatalities from alcoholism.

Based on figures from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), alcohol abuse causes 88,000 deaths annually, making it the fourth leading preventable cause of death across the U.S. Because of this, addiction rehabilitation facilities incorporate treatment specifically tailored for people who cannot quit drinking.

According to the Dimensions Alcohol Treatment, understanding that every person has unique needs to achieve full rehabilitation is important for the treatment process. Sometimes, detox is necessary to prevent further damage to the organs, which is why it is important that you learn about alcohol abstinence and how it can affect your health.

Total Abstinence vs. Alcohol Moderation

There has been a seemingly unending debate over whether total abstinence is needed for alcoholism recovery or if it is possible to merely regulate one’s consumption. This argument ensues simply because alcohol has become a staple at parties and get-togethers. One might think that it’s too much to remove alcohol altogether as it would impede a person’s happiness.

The truth is, alcoholism won’t go away if you don’t get rid of the source of addiction altogether. In fact, total abstinence has been proven more effective in treating alcohol addiction based on a study conducted by scientists from the University of Gothenburg in Sweden.

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The study’s core principle is simple: people who try to learn to control the amount they consume are less likely to get over their addiction than those who decided to cut it from the roots entirely.

Why Should You Abstain from Drinking Alcohol?

The reason for abstinence should be self-explanatory. It is as simple as any disease treatment goes: to cure cancer, you must remove the tumor. In this metaphor, merely reducing the tumor will not make cancer go away.

To understand how well abstinence has surpassed moderation in rehabilitating alcoholics, we have compiled benefits an alcohol abuser can experience from avoiding the substance altogether.

  1. Physical Benefits

Some of the physical signs of alcoholism are dizziness, disorientation, and confusion, as well as ceaseless headaches. This means that detrimental effects of alcohol have major effects on the brain. Because of this, the major physical benefits of total abstinence from the substance also affects the nervous system.

Some of the things alcoholics who opted to abstain from drinking altogether have observed include an enhanced ability to focus and engage in critical thinking. They have also reported better memory and problem-solving skills.

Other physical benefits aside from those affecting the brain include prevention of cancers of the liver, breast, mouth, esophagus, and pharynx.

  1. Mental Improvement

Mental health is another matter strongly discussed in alcoholism rehabilitation. Aside from its physical effects on the brain, alcohol also tends to disrupt people’s mood and sleep. This can result in depression and other anxiety disorders.

That said, putting down the bottle for the rest of your life will also help you get longer, better quality of sleep and, thus, a brighter mood. It also offers respite from symptoms of anxiety and depressive disorders.

  1. Others
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Aside from the physical and mental repercussions of alcohol addiction, it also causes a heap of problems in one’s family, work, and relationships. This means that removing the root of the problem will also result in improved relationships both in work and at home, fewer financial problems, and a boosted self-confidence.