Your home is where you retreat after a long day at work. It’s where you can let your hair down and actually be comfortable with the clothes you wear and the things you do. But what if your current apartment or house doesn’t provide this soothing and calming environment? What if you’re more stressed out when you’re at home? Here are five ways you can find relief and reduce stress while indoors.


Dim the Lights

Over-illumination pertains to the presence of intense lighting that is greater than what is needed for a particular activity. Even regular lighting that’s scattered around the house can cause stress. Install dimmers for the bulbs in each room of your home. If you leave a light on before sleeping, get one of those night lights that have a softer shade. Leaving regular white lighting overnight can affect your circadian rhythm and sleep quality.


Cut out Background Noise

If you find yourself being woken up by your neighbors’ dogs or finding it difficult to take a power nap due to children running around, minimize sources of noise, both indoors and outdoors, by covering your floors with carpets, installing heavy drapes on flimsy windows, and lining thin walls with furniture pieces, particularly a bookshelf or cabinet.


Install a Pool

Let’s face it, no house is a relaxation hotspot without a pool, or at the very least a tub. Indoor swimming pools and spas built and maintained by a professional, like Aqua Spas & Pools, can make for great therapeutic sessions with family and friends.


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Declutter Your Home

A cluttered home leads to a cluttered mind. Declutter your room from all the trinkets, old gadgets, broken furniture pieces, stacks of paper documents, and other unnecessary items. Clutter grips our mind with unnecessary and excess stimuli thus causing your visual, olfactory, and tactile senses to work nonstop and process what it experiences.


Improve Ventilation and Air Circulation

High amounts of carbon dioxide and poor levels of oxygen can lead to an exhausted body and mind. It affects your ability to focus and can also trigger more serious health conditions, like headaches, allergies, and breathing problems. Improve the air circulation in your home by opening up windows and integrating potted plants.


Lower stress levels by making these five simple modifications to your home. They don’t cost a lot of money and most steps are free. More importantly, albeit, you improve your physical, mental, and emotional health in the process.