Today, most Americans eat less than the daily recommended amounts of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, dairy products, and oils. Consequently, more and more people are turning to dietary supplements to meet their daily nutritional needs. Supplements are a great way to boost your energy levels and ensure that you’re consuming the vitamins and minerals that your body needs to thrive. With that in mind, here are three daily supplements that are guaranteed to boost your overall health and well-being.


The body naturally produces collagen regularly in the muscles, skin, bones, cartilage, and ligaments. Because collagen production slows with age, many individuals are beginning to add collagen to their daily routine in the form of creams, powders, and pills.

Collagen is gaining popularity in the skin-care industry because it provides anti-aging effects by promoting skin elasticity. Collagen also protects organs, provides joint structure, and binds bones and muscles together. Taking collagen daily has been shown to ease joint pain, reverse skin aging, reduce cellulite, and improve digestive health.

One easy way to add collagen to your diet is to experiment with collagen peptides. Most collagen manufacturers sell collagen peptides containing the amino acids found in collagen, which are broken down to ease digestion. Bone broth is another great source of collagen and can be used to make soups and stews.

Vitamin C

While most people take vitamin C supplements to cure the common cold, vitamin C offers a multitude of other health benefits. One recent study looked at 100 studies over 10 years to reveal the benefits of vitamin C. Dr. Mark Moyad at the University of Michigan found that “higher blood levels of vitamin C may be the ideal nutrition marker for overall health.” Vitamin C is key to protecting overall health, including cardiovascular and eye health.

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Moyad and his colleagues examined a number of studies, concluding that the optimal dose of vitamin C to achieve health benefits is higher than the recommended daily value. While the recommended daily intake for adults is between 75 and 90 milligrams, Moyad recommends taking 500 milligrams a day in addition to consuming five servings of fruits and vegetables. According to Moyad, dietary supplements are the best source for incorporating vitamin C into your diet.

Fish oil

It’s well-known that regular consumption of fish can help prevent against heart disease and stroke. A European randomized clinical trial recently demonstrated that fish oil can provide the same health benefits as eating fish regularly. As a result, the American Heart Association now recommends consuming 1,000 mg of fish oil daily to add enough omega-3s, vitamin D, and vitamin A to your diet. Fish oil is a must for anyone suffering from cardiac risk factors like high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol.

In addition to enhancing heart health, fish oil offers other health benefits. Fish oil is associated with improved mental health among patients with depression, reduced inflammation, and healthier skin. The vitamin A found in fish oil is a powerful antioxidant, which contributes to the health of your kidneys, heart, vision, and brain. Meanwhile, Vitamin D is important to maintaining healthy bones and regulating calcium.

In 2017, the Council for Responsible Nutrition found that 87 percent of Americans take dietary supplements, while 76 percent of them found the supplement industry trustworthy. Compared to non-supplement users, supplement users tend to eat a more balanced diet, visit their doctor regularly, and exercise more often. All in all, supplements are ideal for boosting overall health and well-being while ensuring that you provide your body with the vitamins and nutrients it needs.

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