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Even if you stick to a strict diet and exercise every single day, it can take an incredibly long time to sculpt the body of your dreams. That is why many people are now turning to advanced body contouring procedures that can eradicate stubborn fat in a matter of weeks.

A Look at Stubborn Body Fat

Studies have revealed that targeted fat loss doesn’t actually work, and that has resulted in some major changes in the fitness industry. Certain workouts will increase your muscle mass in specific areas of the body, but you can’t target localized fat. You could stick to a strict diet and intense exercise program for years without seeing any changes to your thighs, buttocks, flanks, or abdomen. Burning more calories than you consume will eventually result in weight loss, but that process can be long and arduous.

The Basics of Body Contouring

Body contouring or body sculpting are general terms that are used to describe a variety of non-surgical weight loss procedures. Unlike liposuction, body contouring doesn’t require any incisions or heavy anesthetics. Following the average body contouring treatment, the patient can immediately resume all normal activities. Most bodysculpting procedures trigger weight loss by weakening fat cells. Once the fat cells have been damaged, the lymphatic system will expel them from the body just as if they were being burned off naturally.

CoolSculpting Treatments

One of the most popular body contouring treatments on the market is CoolSculpting, and this technology has helped thousands of patients achieve their weight loss goals. During a CoolSculpting appointment, a small pad is placed directly over the fat that the patient would like to eradicate. That pad then weakens the fatty tissue by bringing it down to very cold temperatures for a short period of time. In the weeks following the first set of appointments, the weakened fat is expelled through the lymphatic system.

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Is Body Contouring for Me?

Body contouring is an excellent option for anyone who is struggling with localized fat. Before a body contouring procedure is carried out, patients must meet with a weight loss expert so that they fully understand the pros and cons of each individual procedure. During that consultation, the patient will be able to come up with a personalized treatment plan that helps them achieve their goals as quickly as possible.

Non-invasive body contouring is safer than ever, but you must be ready to stick to healthy lifestyle habits if you want to maintain the results of your procedure. That includes following a nutritious diet, exercising multiple times a week, staying hydrated, and getting plenty of sleep every night.