Vascular skin lesion can damage your appearance and reduce your confidence to go out. You have the option to get rid of these facial vascular lesions to improve your appearance. One of the most effective method for getting rid of vascular skin lesion is to undergo a laser treatment. Vbeam Perfecta has been recommended for the treatment of congenital and acquired vascular lesions.

Vbeam Perfecta is suitable for treating all kinds of vascular skin lesions like hemangiomas, rosacea, noticeable capillaries on face, neck redness and spider veins. It can also be used to remove stretch marks in the early stage when it is still red. It can treat redness on the face that is acquired as a result of exposure to excessive ultraviolet ray or changes in the hormonal level.


Vbeam Perfecta is a pulsed dye laser where the laser is delivered onto the skin lesion that is being treated in pulses. It is also referred as a vascular laser because it is often used in treating vascular lesions. It specifically target on the red area on the skin. It will destroy the hemoglobin in the red blood vessels that is causing the lesion or capillaries that appear on your skin. The laser machine features a built in cooling component to ensure a gentle heating effect on the skin.

Vbeam Perfecta is a safe laser treatment for treating vascular lesions that you don’t want people to see. It won’t cause side effects like scars, blistering, or infection. Vbeam laser treatment is not suitable for people with a medical history of viral sicknesses like herpes simplex because the laser can activate the virus. The treatment procedure is fast and will only last for a short while. It requires 25% – 35% lesser sessions compared to traditional laser treatment.

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To obtain the best result, you should follow the schedule that your doctor provide you and attend each treatment session promptly. The treatment is not painless and will only cause minor side effects that can be tolerated by most patients. The doctor may apply cryogen spay on the skin to protect it. Most people only reported minor side effects like bruises, and swell. Bruises can happen if the treated area has a lot of blood vessels like port wine stains, and red scars.

There will be like sunburn on the treated area but it doesn’t feel hot when you touch it. Due to the sunburn, it will remain bruised and swollen for a few hours. The bruises and bumps in the aftermath of the treatment will not be prominent so you don’t have to worry about people seeing it. The lesion will gradually disappear on the skin with every treatment session.

The doctor will let you know what kinds of side effects you will experienced based on the type of laser skin lesion. The doctor will give you protective eyeglass to wear when treating the vascular lesion on your face to prevent damage to the eyes. The cost of Vbeam Perfecta laser treatment will depend on how many sessions your doctor has recommended to fully remove the vascular lesion from the skin.